Automic Workload Automation

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  • 1.  SQL to verify user privileges? (v9)

    Posted Jul 26, 2016 11:37 AM
    We're looking to start using the CallAPI in our production environment, and plan to create a dedicated user who will have the 'Logon via CallAPI' privilege.  Now I'd like to control all this via privileges defined via a UserGroup, but I want to make sure that none of our existing users have that privilege granted to them explicitly.  Since I'm lazy and don't feel like clicking through 40+ users, can anyone advise of a SQL query I can use to see which users have any privileges (or at least the 'Logon via CallAPI' one) associated directly with their user?  I'm having trouble pinpointing (or at least deciphering) which table has the user privilege info in it.

    Thanks in advance!

  • 2.  SQL to verify user privileges? (v9)

    Posted Jul 26, 2016 05:30 PM
    Hi Daryl,

    The User Privileges is in table USR, column USR_Privilege. It's stored in binary. 
    The bitcode/binary for it is in UC_ACLB table (where ACLB_Type = 'PRV'). Note that the number of rows for ACLB_Type "PRV" may not be the same with the number of privileges you see on the UserInterface. 

    I have a (MSSQL) function that I wrote  that helps me determine what privileges are *not* assigned to a user/group based on USR.USR_PRIVILEGE but it doesn't seem straightforward and I've only tested it on version 10 :).


  • 3.  SQL to verify user privileges? (v9)

    Posted Sep 09, 2016 03:56 PM

    Here is a suggestion:


    select OH_Name, OH_OType, OH_Client, UACL_Filter7 AS 'Filter Settings' from OH inner join UACL on UACL_OH_Idnr = OH_Idnr where UACL_BitCode & 2 = 2 and UACL_AuthLevel != '0' and OH_Client = '100' and OH_DeleteFlag = '0'


    And check the filter settings (and modify the client). This will show all users/usergroups that would have write access to the schedule object itself.

  • 4.  SQL to verify user privileges? (v9)

    Posted Sep 09, 2016 05:16 PM
    Just a note: 
    Ben's SQL statement is in regards to authorizations instead of privileges (specifically, all users/usergroups that have write access). The same logic can apply based on which bitcode you want to review, but that above will not directly work for Daryl's use case. 

    That would be similar to:
    select OH_Name, OH_Client from oh inner join usr on USR_OH_Idnr=OH_Idnr where USR_Privilege & 1048576 = 1048576

  • 5.  SQL to verify user privileges? (v9)

    Posted Dec 20, 2016 01:11 PM
      |   view attached

    For version 10/MSSQL 2014 and later version:

    This will list the users and the usergroup it belongs to and the user privilege (in binary).

    select oh_u.OH_Client, oh_u.oh_name USR, oh_g.oh_name USR_GRP, USR_EMail1, USR_EMail2, USR_LastSession , USR_Privilege
    OH oh_u 
    ,USR left outer join USRG 
    on usrg_usr_idnr = usr_oh_idnr 
    left outer join OH oh_g
    on  usrg_usg_idnr = oh_g.OH_Idnr 
    where 1=1
    and oh_u.OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and  oh_u.oh_idnr = usr_oh_idnr 
    and oh_u.oh_client > 0 

    This one should show you all the privilege that a user does *NOT* have (using the custom functions f_getPriv and f_getPrivName):

    select oh_u.OH_Client, oh_u.oh_name USR, oh_g.oh_name USR_GRP, USR_EMail1, USR_EMail2, USR_LastSession , USR_Privilege
    , case when USR_Privilege > 0 
    then convert(varchar(max),dbo.f_getPriv(USR_Privilege))
    else '0'
    end as MISSING_PRIV 
    OH oh_u 
    ,USR left outer join USRG 
    on usrg_usr_idnr = usr_oh_idnr 
    left outer join OH oh_g
    on  usrg_usg_idnr = oh_g.OH_Idnr 
    where 1=1
    and oh_u.OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and  oh_u.oh_idnr = usr_oh_idnr 
    and oh_u.oh_client > 0
    and usr_privilege > 0 


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    create function [dbo].[f_getPrivName] 
    (@p_ID as varchar(100), @privTable privTableType READONLY) 
    RETURNS varchar(100)
         declare @privText as varchar(100);
         select  @privText = name from @privTable
         where 1=1
         and priv_ID = @p_ID;
         return @privText;

    -- Note that privileges 8,9, 11, and 17 are not used.

     CREATE function [dbo].[f_getPriv] (@p_privBinary as bigint)
    returns varchar(max)
              declare @totalPriv bigint
              , @priv bigint
              , @privDeny bigint
              , @privBinary varchar(100)
              , @privDenyBinary varchar(max)
              , @n bigint
              , @mod int
              , @ctr int
              , @privDenyText varchar(max);

              declare @listOfIDs table(IDs varchar(100));

              declare @listOfPriv as dbo.privTableType;

              insert into @listOfPriv 
              values      ('0','change system status')
              ,     ('1','access to system overview')
              ,     ('2','access to recycle bin')
              ,     ('3','access to transport case')
              ,     ('4','view messages from own user group')
              ,     ('5','view messages to administrators')
              ,     ('6','view all messages from own client')
              ,     ('7','view security messages')
              ,     ('8','     0')
              ,     ('9','     0')
              ,     ('10','access to selective statistic')
              ,     ('11',' 0')
              ,     ('12','create and modify backend variables')
              ,     ('13','deal with authorizations at object level')
              ,     ('14','modify the status of a task manually')
              ,     ('15','object properties: allow manual reset of edit hint')
              ,     ('16','file tranasfer: start without login object specified')
              ,     ('17','     0')
              ,     ('18','view server usage of all clients')
              ,     ('19','access <no folder>')
              ,     ('20','logon via callAPI')
              ,     ('21','SAP criteria manager')
              ,     ('22','access to version management folder')
              ,     ('23','access to autoforecast')
              ,     ('24','create diagnostic information')
              ,     ('25','take over taks')
              ,     ('26','ilm actions')
              ,     ('27','create and modify SQL internal variables')
              ,     ('28','work in runbook mode')
              ,     ('29','manage favorites in usergroup level')
              ,     ('30','ecc: access to service catalog')
              ,     ('31','ecc: access to process monitoring')
              ,     ('32','ecc: access to service orchestrator')
              ,     ('33','ecc: manage slas and business units in service orchestrator')
              ,     ('34','ecc: access to policy orchestrator')
              ,     ('35','ecc: access to process assembly')
              ,     ('36','ecc: access to administration')
              ,     ('37','ecc: access to dashboards')
              ,     ('38','ecc: access to predictive analytics');

              set @totalPriv = 549755679999;
              set @priv = @p_privBinary;   ---<------ PARAM
              set @privDeny = @totalPriv - @priv;
              set @n = @privDeny;
              set @privDenyBinary = '';
              set @privDenyText = '';
              set @ctr = 0;

              while (@n>0) 

                 set @mod = @n % 2;
                 if (@mod = 1)
                    insert into @listOfIDs values(@ctr);
                   set @privDenyText = dbo.f_getPrivName(@ctr,@listOfPriv)  + ', ' +  @privDenyText ;
                 set @ctr = @ctr + 1;
                 set @privDenyBinary = convert(varchar(1),@mod) + @privDenyBinary;
                 set @n = @n/2;

              return @privDenyText;
