Q : Who should I ask to provide a New, Temporary or Trial license?
A : The preferred way is to contact your account manager and ask him to provide it.
Q : Where do I see my available licenses ?
A: In the Java User Interface : go to System Overview > License.
https://us.v-cdn.net/5019921/uploads/editor/ko/kf696zbsgybr.jpg" width="1129">
In the Automic Web Interface : go to Administration > License.
Q : What do the platform abbreviations mean?
A : The complete list is available here. For instance 'EX' stands for 'executor' as this is how agents used to be called before version 8.
Q : What does 'Class' stand for ?
- Class S : Server. It can only connect to local host.
- Class W : Windows server
- Class 1: single core computer
- Class 2: dual core
- Class 3: 3 cores
- …
- Class 8: unlimited cores
- Class 9 : Agent will not check the cores before starting. Used for POCs, internally, or very big customers. It’s the easiest one to handle.
- Class V : checks the number of active agents + number of cores. Most commonly used.
- DC : license for User Interface. 1 license per monitored environment.
- DB : Connection to Automic Database.
Q: Where do I set the agent's license class?
A: In the [GLOBAL] section of the agent's ini file.
Q: Where do I set an agent's category ?
A: Connect to Client 0, then edit the agent from System Overview > Agent > Attributes tab.
Q: What do the numbers displayed in the Used(Host) column stand for ?
A: Answer provided by Michael_Pirson in this discussion.
You have ***/*** (***/***). The first set of numbers is the total number of Agents/CPU's used against the license. The number in the parenthesis is the total number of agent and cpu for that license category for that environment.
An example of these two being different is when you have multiple Agents on one server. For example if I had two Windows agents running on HOST1, I would see 00001/00002 (000002/000004). It will only count as one license entry against the license because they are both running on the same IP address.
Thanks Michael!
Q: What is the technical impact of licenses?
A: When an Agent starts up, it:
- Tries to connect to the Automation Engine system (via CP)
- Retrieves information from the machine it’s running on = hardware, software, software version
- Checks license class from the ini file settings
What the server does:
- Checks entries in the UC_HTYP table to verify if the software is allowed to run on this hardware.
- Checks license class and category.
- An error message will appear if there is no more available license for as specific category.
Q: How can I know if I have licenses left for a given platform / class / category ?
A : This can be done quite easily with csv exports.
1 - Export the license list to a csv file : fromLicenseview, right click in the right part of the window and choose 'Export to file'.
2 - Repeat the same process in theAgentsview.
3 - Open both files in Excel, select all cells and add a Filter.
4 - With those filters, it becomes really easy to determine which licenses are used. Let's say I want to know when my Windows agent's class V licenses will expire. After applying the below filers to 'platform' and 'class' columns:
I will get this line as a result:
The same principle can be applied to hostlist.csv, for instance to retrieve Unix agents that are using a class V license:
Hope you like this post . Please feel free to react and don't hesitate to post your license-related questions.