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  • 1.  NCM for Enterasys Firmware Uploads

    Posted Jun 13, 2012 09:02 AM
    Hi Community,

    I have a customer who manages his Enterasys estate using Spectrum.

    He wants to be able to carry out Firmware Uploads on these devices.

    By default it dos not appear to be possible in Spectrum, which is frustrating as they also have NetSight and that does the job (but he would like to use Spectrum as the main tool)
    The devices appear in the Enterasys Device Family and that allows the Host Config files to be captured but NOT firmware uploads.

    The NCM manual details that;
    Note: Firmware Upload is supported out-of-box for Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS - SSH Capable device families only. For all other devices, the Extension Utility may be used to specify a Load Device Firmware script.

    Has anyone done this already and have any scripts they wouldn't mind sharing?

    I have raised a ticket with CA who have advised that they have no plans to add this functionality to the product.
    So before I raise an ER I would like to check with the Community first.

    Many Thanks

  • 2.  RE: NCM for Enterasys Firmware Uploads

    Posted Jun 18, 2012 10:59 AM
    Hello Community:

    Any assistance here for Lesley?


  • 3.  RE: NCM for Enterasys Firmware Uploads
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 18, 2012 05:12 PM
    Below you will find a sample script using ssh communication. Hope this will help.

    I wrote it long back for Nortel device using ssh and non default port. was IP of SpectroServer.

    #!/opt/SPECTRUM/bin/perl -w
    # Author:
    Saurabh Bohra
    # Version:
    # Date:

    April 16, 2009
    # Purpose:
    This script will upload the running configuration of a

    Nortel 4550T ERS devices using SSH on a non default port 8591 and print it to STDOUT.
    # Command Sequence for Nortel 4550T ERS to upload configuration

    Logon name - Password - Port

    Ctrl + Y


    execute the commands to upload the diag and image file

    # Usage:
    perl nortel4550T-ssh-firmware.pl rw '$tuP1D#123' enpass 15 50 diagFileName imageFileName
    # Known Issues:

    1. Testing of commands sents to execute are commented out.

    After sucessfully logon on a Nortel 4550T ERS (HW:03 FW: SW:v5.0.1.001) and

    executing Ctrl+Y through perl script if two commands say cmd1 and cmd2 are run and output

    is requested after running each command the result will be as follows:


    cmd1 -> outout of Ctrl+Y

    cmd2 -> output of cmd1

    Due to this behavior of Nortel 4550T ERS the testing of the output of the commands

    sent are commented out. However the scripts works fine if the testing output of the commands

    is not commented and the switch is Baystack 470-24T (HW:08 FW: SW:
    # Help:
    # http://search.cpan.org/~bnegrao/Net-SSH-Expect-1.09/lib/Net/SSH/Expect.pod
    # http://search.cpan.org/~rgiersig/Expect-1.21/Expect.pod
    # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlretut.html
    # Error Codes:
    # 0 = Success
    # 255 = Usage error
    # 254 = Invalid timeout value
    # 252 = Connection error
    # 251 = Login error
    # 249 = Enable error
    # 253 = Bad upload file
    # 247 = Configure Terminal error
    # 246 = Upload error
    # 200 = Test result

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Net::SSH::Expect;

    $ENV{'PATH'} = "/usr/bin:". $ENV{'PATH'};

    #print ("\nHello World\n");

    ### Main ###
    if( $#ARGV != 6 && $#ARGV != 7 )
    print "Usage: nortelssh-firmware-v100.pl <device IP> <user> <pass> <enable_pass> <login_timeout_in_seconds> <upload_timeout_in_seconds> <diagFile> <imageFile>\n";
    print STDERR "Usage: nortelssh-firmware-v100.pl <deviceIP> <user> <pass> <enable_pass> <login_timeout_in_seconds> <upload_timeout_in_seconds> <diagFile> <imageFile>\n";
    exit 255;
    elsif( $ARGV[4] < 1 || $ARGV[4] > 60 )
    print "$ARGV[6] is the login timeout and must be an int between 1 and 60 seconds\n";
    print STDERR "$ARGV[6] is the login timeout and must be an int between 1 and 60 seconds\n";
    exit 254;
    elsif( $#ARGV == 7 && ( $ARGV[5] < 1 || $ARGV[5] > 100 ) )
    print "$ARGV[7] is the upload timeout and must be an int between 1 and 100 seconds\n";
    print STDERR "$ARGV[7] is the upload timeout and must be an int between 1 and 100 seconds\n";
    exit 254;
    my $upload_timeout = $ARGV[4];
    if( $ARGV[5] )
    $upload_timeout = $ARGV[5];

    my $prt = 8591; # Define the port on which SSH is listening

    my $errorMsg;
    my $errorCode = 0;

    # Pass the following parameters for the device - IPAddress, UserName, Password, LoginTimeout, UploadTimeout, SSHPort, diagFileName and imageFileName

    # For Nortel 470-24T, 470-48T and 4550 enable password is not required.

    ($errorCode, $errorMsg) = UploadConfig( $ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2],
    $ARGV[4], $upload_timeout, $prt,
    $ARGV[6], $ARGV[7] );

    if( $errorCode != 0 )
    print STDERR $errorMsg;
    exit $errorCode;

    exit 0;

    ### Functions ###
    sub UploadConfig
    my $deviceIP = shift;
    my $user = shift;
    my $pass = shift;
    # my $epass = shift;
    my $login_timeout = shift;
    my $upload_timeout = shift;

    my $port = shift;

    my $diagFile = shift;

    my $imageFile = shift;
    my $msg = "Failure";
    my $ssh = new Net::SSH::Expect( host => $deviceIP,
    user => $user,
    password=> $pass,

    port => $port,
    raw_pty => 1,
    no_terminal => 1,
    timeout => $login_timeout

    # read ressource data
    # open (DFH, $diagFile) or return( 253, "Diag file - $diagFile does not exist at the specified location\n" );
    open (IFH, $imageFile) or return( 253, "Image file - $imageFile does not exist at the specified location\n" );

    my $login_output = $ssh->login();
    if ($login_output !~ /Enter Ctrl-Y to begin/)

    $msg = "Login has failed. Login output was $login_output\n";

    return (252, $msg);
    #print ("Login was Successful\n");

    #return (200, $login_output);

    # After logging in execute Ctrl+Y command
    my $cty = $ssh->send("\cY");
    print ("Ctrl+Y sent\n");

    #return (200, $cty);

    # Execute enable command

    my $enable = $ssh->exec("enable");

    print ("enable sent\n");

    #return (200, $enable);
    if ($enable !~ /\#\s*\z/ )

    $msg = "Device did not except 'enable' command\n";

    $ssh->close(); # Close the connection before returning

    return (249, $msg);

    # Set upload time out
    $ssh->timeout( $upload_timeout );


    my $diagCmd = "download address diag $diagFile no-reset\r";

    print ("\nSending command -> $diagCmd\n");

    my $diagExec = $ssh->exec("$diagCmd\r");

    print ("download diag command sent\n");

    return (200, $diagExec);
    if ( $diagExec !~ /Finished Upgrading Diag Image\s*\z/ )

    $msg = "Uploading the diag file on the device $deviceIP failed\n";

    $ssh->close(); # Close the connection before returning

    return (246, $msg);

    my $imageCmd = "download address image $imageFile";

    print ("\nSending command -> $imageCmd\n");

    my $imageExec = $ssh->exec("$imageCmd\r");

    print ("download image command sent\n");

    return (200, $imageExec)
    if ( $imageExec !~ /Finished Upgrading Image|Rebooting\s*\z/ )

    $msg = "Uploading the image file on the device $deviceIP failed\n";

    $ssh->close(); # Close the connection before returning

    return (246, $msg);

    $msg = "Success";
    return( 0, $msg );

  • 4.  RE: NCM for Enterasys Firmware Uploads

    Posted Jun 19, 2012 07:18 AM
    Thank you for the sample script. Much appreciated.
    I'll work with my customer to see if we can get something that works for them.
    I've also raised an ER. It doesn't make sense to only provide this functionality for Cisco kit.

    Kind regards