Automic Workload Automation

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[Version 11.2] How to set up the F1 online documentation

  • 1.  [Version 11.2] How to set up the F1 online documentation

    Posted Jul 01, 2016 04:32 PM
    Looking for the old F1 documentation search functionality using

    Here are steps on how to configure your UserInterface to launch your web browser to go to the relevant documentation article.

    1. Download the latest version 11.2 Documentation guide from

    3bc0mn1wcy5d.jpg" width="1017">

    2.  Extract the file and copy the entire 'Documentation' folder to the same directory level as your UserInterface folder.


    yd2ikn4p4nd5.jpg" width="336">

    3.  Navigate to the C:\Automic\Documentation\Guides\webhelp\english folder and extract the file,

    6d25747t1y6r.png" width="1185">

    4.  Verify that your Documentation > Guides > webhelp > english folder contains the help.htm file because it is used to bring up the documentation from

    t2kfk6juf7xp.jpg" width="441">

    5.  Adjust your uc4config.xml to the correct docu type and to whatever browser you want to use.  Save your changes.


    tifckueqs65h.jpg" width="1081">

    6.  Now launch your UserInterface version 11.2 and press F1 on your keyboard.


    x0allfwqxaa2.jpg" width="1049">

    My default browser is Google Chrome so this pops up when I press F1 on my keyboard:

    65icxeuun1ou.jpg" width="1170">

    It takes me to the appropriate documentation article.  I was in the Explorer window in my example so it takes me to the Explorer article.