Hi Amar,
If you choose NOT to use MCS, you can following these simple instructions to monitor 1 or more processes on a given machine.
Assuming that there is already an existing processes probe package deployed to the robot, you can use this process. If not, you can create a superpackage which contains multiple probe packages as well and use that instead.
My example configured profiles for crond, sshd and ps processes on a Linux machine.
a. Configure the processes probe profiles (
Create Monitoring profiles), for the processes you want to monitor.
b.Test the process via the Test button to confirm it picks up a single process, Click Ok, then Ok again, then Yes to save the profile.
c.Drag and drop the process probe to the Primary Hub's local archive and Rename it. Give it a logical name for the package, e.g., processes_Linux_RHEL7.
d.Double click your newly created package to open it.
e.Rt-click the processes.cfx and choose "Save file as..." and save it to your Desktop.
f. Press Ctrl-F to find your added processes and delete all other entries but keep the <watchers> sections for the processes for which you created profiles.
For example,
<watchers> overwrite <crond> overwrite active = yes
description = Monitoring crond
action = none
command = /usr/sbin/crond
arguments = -n
process = crond
process_count_type =
process_count =
report = down
</watchers>g. Rt-click the existing processes.cfx in the probe package and delete it.
h. Rt-click and "Add File..." to Browse and select the new processes.cfx file from where you saved it on your Desktop. Note that you can enter a new Group name in the package, e.g., Custom, but that is Optional.
i. Click Ok.
j. Deploy the custom probe package to the robot.
k. During your first test of the package creation and deployment process, check to make sure the probe profiles were added (Check under the Profiles Tab). I deleted my profiles first in the probe on the system to make sure they were recreated/readded.
Support Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 06-02-2020 06:31 AM
From: amar kondraju
Subject: Process monitoring in CA UIM
Hi all,
I would like to monitor the specific 4 to 5 processes in all the robots. This is my requirement.
Please let me know the way exactly whether should I do it in IM console or UMP console?
IM console - explain how - can you write some sample cfx here for monitoring 4 to 5 processes?
Original Message:
Sent: 06-01-2020 10:12 AM
From: Stephen Danseglio
Subject: Process monitoring in CA UIM
Here is a screen shot of the processes (Enhanced) template after deployment.
What 4-5 processes do you need to monitor? What are their names?
Support Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 05-30-2020 02:46 AM
From: amar kondraju
Subject: Process monitoring in CA UIM
Hi all,
Is it possible to monitor the required processes in all robots from hub itself instead of manually going through each robot and configuring it.
Is there any template or any way to do this required process monitoring in all robots at onego? By default I have in my usecase 4 processes need to be monitored in all robots. How to achieve this ?
How can I get this process as a template here in UMP so that I can monitor the processes at onego in all robots for specific groups I have created in UMP console. Please help me out.