Automic Workload Automation

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  • 1.  :READ input check & input handling

    Posted Aug 22, 2018 04:58 AM

    The :READ command can be used to request user input. Together, the optional input check and input handling parameters can be used to:

    • determine the type of UI control that will be displayed (e.g., a text field or a combo box)
    • in the case of combo boxes, determine the choices displayed in the menu
    • in the case of number controls, determine the range of numbers that can be chosen
    • validate user input, limiting what values an input field will accept


    Here are some examples.


    Input CheckInput HandlingType of UI control displayedValidation performed on field contents (allowed input)
    00KTextNo validation of input; any Latin-1 character may be entered.
    00TextLetter characters must be uppercase.
    YYYYMMDDTextAny date in the format YYYYMMDD (See: time & formats)
    0-9,A-FTextAny number between 0 and 9, or any letter between A and F
    5-10TextBetween 5 and 10 characters
    5-10NNumberAny number between 5 and 10
    'A-1','B-2'MenuEither the string A-1 or the string B-2
    A,B,C,1,2,3MenuAny character in the set A,B,C,1,2,3
    A,B,C,1,2,3OCombo boxAny character, either from the menu, or typed in manually


    Does anyone know of other combinations? Specifically, are there ways to do any of these things?

    1. Additional control types
      •   radio buttons
      •   multi-select controls like check boxes
      •   time, date, or timestamp controls
    2. Additional types of input validation
    • ranges that includes negative numbers
    • ranges of times, dates, or timestamps


    This question originates in the discussion Generate input dialog box dynamically from prompt set object.

  • 2.  Re: :READ input check & input handling

    Posted Aug 23, 2018 11:16 AM

    I identified two undocumented input handling flags:

    • L
    • V

    So far, I have not been able to determine their function. Perhaps they are remnants of deprecated functions, preserved to maintain compatibility.