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Tech Tip - CA Identity Manager: WSDL indexes

  • 1.  Tech Tip - CA Identity Manager: WSDL indexes

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 11, 2015 11:58 AM

    WSDL is a generated XML interface definition that allows you to make SOAP requests to IDM Web-Service enabled tasks. Frequently you can aggregate elements in your request. For example: if you wanted to search a user by First and Last Names then you will need to construct the filter element for First Name, another filter element for Last Name and join them together. Another example is if you'd like to reassign a workflow task , add and remove assignees then you'll also need to construct the matching element for each.


    Putting these elements together (like the First and Last Names) in the xml interface requires that you 'index' them. You will see an optional property called: "index" many times in these elements.


    You do need to know that when providing more than a single element of a certain kind on the WSDL xml request you need to enumerate your elements that are same. To do that you must use the 'index' property on each element in an incremental way starting with the value zero.  If this is not explicitly provided in this way (starting with zero) then the request will be invalid and ambiguous and will most likely fail.


    An example is here below. Note how the index="0" in the first aggregated element, then index="1" etc...




    <wsdl:add index="0">



    <wsdl:add index="1">



    <wsdl:remove index="0">








    Sagi Gabay,

    CA Technologies.