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Creating promptsets with scripting

  • 1.  Creating promptsets with scripting

    Posted Aug 01, 2016 11:12 AM
    Many users like to have PromptSets within their jobs. they can come in very handy to adjust settings when starting this or that task.

    The usual way is to create a promptset object, and define it in the job or in the workflow from its 'variable and prompts' tab.
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    But did you know it was also possible to dynamically create a prompt set with the :READ script command ?

    For instance, this script line
    :READ &TEXTFIELD1#,"00","Type in variable's value"
    Will automatically generate this dialog when the job is executed:
    mocubvck8y3s.jpg" width="210">

    You may create drop-down lists, number fields with arrows, and many other different types.

    The :BEGINREAD AND :ENDREAD tags will even allow you to build complex user input dialogs.
    :READ &TEXTFIELD1#,"00","Type in variable's value"
    :PRINT ""
    :READ &OPTION#,"'ECC','Java Client'",'Do you prefer ECC or the Java client?','Java client'
    :PRINT ""
    :PRINT ""
    :PRINT ""
    :READ &GRADE#,"1-5","Rate this post from 1 to 5",,"N"
    :PRINT ""
    :READ &PASSWORD#,"","Please enter password)",,"DMK"
    Will return this:

    xw92wsv69rti.png" width="281">