CA Service Management

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  • 1.  Attach doc notificaiton message restriction

    Posted Dec 29, 2016 06:28 AM



    we are using CA SD 14.1 with C2 path


    we have configured to send attach doc notification to end user when user reply via manual notification and tries to send attachment when reply to manual notification mail


    when user tries to reply to manual notification along with attachment the last mod by colum in call req captures the user information and we build activity association and wrote condition on attach doc activity type and its working fine.


    (the last mod by comes as in activity type it caputures as log comment when user reply via email and that email will be attached by system ahd generated) but this is not capture in last mod by of callreq table


    Now we want to prevent attach doc notification to end user when user tries to reply manual notification sent to service desk and want to send notification only when tries to attach document from web interface


    I tried to write a condition for it based on last mod by column but the system ahd genereated value for attach doc is capturing in act log table of analyst.


    can any one tell me how to write condition for call req activity log analyst is it some thing alg.call_req_id.analyst when I tried like this to create activity association it thrown an error as I see its BREL.


    can any one help

  • 2.  Re: Attach doc notificaiton message restriction

    Posted Jan 20, 2017 03:58 AM



    I really not sure I have fully understand what you try to do but BREL are returning an array so therefore if you want to address any value from there you will have to  specify the position of this value in that array.


    Knowing that most of those table have DESC sorting by default using .0. will mostly provided you with the last record registered.


    something like alg.0.call_req_id.analyst

    this is not a tested example and you will need to construct based on your starting point.


    Hope this help,


  • 3.  Re: Attach doc notificaiton message restriction

    Posted Jan 23, 2017 12:13 AM


    to check BREL in conditions you need to write some SPEL like this:

    object algobj;
    int msg_i;
    send_wait(0, top_object(), "call_attr", "alg", "sync_fetch", "MLIST_STATIC", format("call_req_id = '%s' AND type = 'ATTACHTDOC'", persistent_id), -1, 0);
    if (msg_error()) {
        logf(ERROR, "%s > sync_fetch failed!", persistent_id);
        for (msg_i = 0; msg_i < msg_length(); msg_i++) logf(ERROR, "msg[%d]: %s", msg_i, msg[msg_i]);
    } else {
        send_wait(0, msg[0], "dob_by_index", "DEFAULT", (msg[1] - 1), (msg[1] - 1));
        if (msg_error()) {
            logf(ERROR, "%s > dob_by_index failed!", persistent_id);
            for (msg_i = 0; msg_i < msg_length(); msg_i++) logf(ERROR, "msg[%d]: %s", msg_i, msg[msg_i]);
        } else {
            algobj = msg[0];
            if (algobj.analyst == (uuid) < system_user_uuid_here > ) {
            } else {


    Set your condition on line 14 and modify return statement if needed.


