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  • 1.  Concatenate all the errors description in single field(custom object)

    Posted Aug 28, 2017 11:16 AM

    Hello again,


    Good Evening!!!


    I'm getting stuck in this stage. Project validation has been done and i divided into 2 categories, which is success and Failure.


    My clarification is, how to concatenate all the validated project's error information in single field ( i.e., Custom Attribute)


    Below codes(text are bold) are validated for both success and failure. I need to concatenate only the error description. It may be comes inside the update statement.


    <!--Validating the data >
    <gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:email="jelly:email" xmlns:file="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.FileTagLibrary" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:soap="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.SOAPTagLibrary" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sql="jelly:sql" xmlns:xog="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:util="jelly:util" xmlns:x="jelly:org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.xml.XMLTagLibrary">
    <gel:setDataSource dbId="Niku" />
    <core:set var="todayDate">
    <gel:formatDate format="ddMMyy" />
    <core:set var="logPath" value="/fs0/clarity1/share/Clarity/NE/fromCmp/log/CI_LOG_MESSAGES_${todayDate}.log" />
    <core:set var="ErrLog" value="/fs0/clarity1/share/Clarity/NE/fromCmp/log/errorLog/CI_LOG_ERROR_${todayDate}.log" />
    <core:file append="true" trim="false" omitXmlDeclaration="true" name="${logPath}">
    ${TS} - Process Started at ${TS}
    ${TS} - Validating the data from Staging Table
    ${TS} - Select the projects for Validations</core:file>
    <core:catch var="exception1">

    <sql:query var="invcode">
    INV_PROJECTS invp, INV_INVESTMENTS inv, PAC_MNT_PROJECTS pac,ODF_CA_PROJECT odf, PRTASK prt,odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 odfh
    Where invp.PRID=inv.ID
    and pac.ID=inv.ID
    and odf.ID=pac.ID
    and odf.Z_RGN =4
    and odf.z_lead_comp in(38,39)
    and (pac.DEPARTCODE Like 'NESAS%' OR pac.DEPARTCODE Like 'NTCE%')
    and inv.code=odfh.Z_PROJECT_ID


    <core:if test="${exception1 != null}">
    <core:file append="true" trim="false" omitXmlDeclaration="true" name="${ErrLog}">
    ${TS} - Project Extraction failed
    ${TS} - ERROR : ${exception1}

    <core:if test="${invcode.rowCount &gt; 0}">
    <gel:log>Project_Count : ${invcode.rowCount}</gel:log>
    <core:forEach items="${invcode.rows}" trim="true" var="projFile">
    <core:set var="projectcode" value="${projFile.code}" />
    <core:set var="PROJECT_ID" value="${projFile.PROJECT_ID}" />
    <core:set var="PROJECTIS_PROGRAM" value="${projFile.IS_PROGRAM}" />
    <core:set var="PROJECTIS_TEMPLATE" value="${projFile.IS_TEMPLATE}" />
    <core:set var="PROJECT_ACTIVE" value="${projFile.PROJECT_ACTIVE}" />
    <core:set var="PROJECT_STATUS" value="${projFile.PROJECT_STATUS}" />
    <core:set var="FINANCIAL_STATUS" value="${projFile.FINANCIAL_STATUS}" />
    <core:set var="PRISTASK" value="${projFile.PRISTASK}" />
    <core:set var="LOCATIONID" value="${projFile.LOCATIONID}" />
    <gel:log>Project_CODE : ${projectcode}</gel:log>
    <!--gel:log>ProjectID : ${PROJECT_ID}</gel:log>
    <gel:log>IS_PROGRAM : ${PROJECTIS_PROGRAM}</gel:log>
    <gel:log>IS_TEMPLATE : ${PROJECTIS_TEMPLATE}</gel:log>
    <gel:log>PROJECT_ACTIVE : ${PROJECT_ACTIVE}</gel:log>
    <gel:log>PROJECT_STATUS : ${PROJECT_STATUS}</gel:log>
    <gel:log>FINANCIAL_STATUS : ${FINANCIAL_STATUS}</gel:log>
    <gel:log>PRISTASK : ${PRISTASK}</gel:log>
    <gel:log>LOCATIONID : ${LOCATIONID}</gel:log-->

    <core:if test="${PROJECTIS_PROGRAM == 1}" var="F1">

    <sql:update var="Failure_Records1"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Failure',z_error_info = 'Project should not be a Program' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>ERROR - Program Query has been updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>

    <core:if test="${PROJECTIS_TEMPLATE == 1}" var="F2">
    <sql:update var="Failure_Records2"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Failure',z_error_info = 'Project should not be a Template' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>ERROR - Template Query has been updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>

    <core:if test="${PROJECT_ACTIVE == 0}" var="F3">
    <sql:update var="Failure_Records3"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Failure',z_error_info = 'Project should not be Inactive' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>ERROR - Project Active Query has been updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>

    <core:if test="${PROJECT_STATUS != 1}" var="F4">
    <sql:update var="Failure_Records4"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Failure',z_error_info = 'Project is not "Approved" Status' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>ERROR - Project Status has been updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>

    <core:if test="${FINANCIAL_STATUS!='O'}" var="F5">
    <sql:update var="Failure_Records5"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Failure',z_error_info = 'Project Financial Status is Not Open' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>ERROR -Financial Status Query has been updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>

    <core:if test="${PRISTASK == 0}" var="F6">
    <sql:update var="Failure_Records6"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Failure',z_error_info = 'Task Not Available' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>ERROR - Task Query has been updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>

    <core:if test="${LOCATIONID == null}" var="F7">
    <sql:update var="Failure_Records7"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Failure',z_error_info = 'Project Location is NULL' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>ERROR - Location Query has been updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>

    <core:if test="${PROJECTIS_PROGRAM == 0 &amp;&amp; PROJECTIS_TEMPLATE == 0 &amp;&amp; PROJECT_ACTIVE == 1 &amp;&amp; PROJECT_STATUS == 1 &amp;&amp; FINANCIAL_STATUS =='O' &amp;&amp; PRISTASK == 1 &amp;&amp; LOCATIONID != null}">
    <sql:update var="Success_Records"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Success',z_error_info = 'Project details are valid' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>SUCCESS - Project is validated and updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>


    <core:file append="true" trim="false" omitXmlDeclaration="true" name="${logPath}">
    ${TS} - Process Ends - All Projects are validated.</core:file>



    Thanks in Advance!!!




  • 2.  Re: Concatenate all the errors description in single field(custom object)

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 28, 2017 08:50 PM

    Here is the Solution


    <sql:update var="Failure_Records2"> update odf_ca_ne_actual_if_his2 set z_process_flag = 'Failure',z_error_info =  z_error_info  || ', ' || 'Project should not be a Template' where Z_PROJECT_ID='${projectcode}'</sql:update>
    <gel:log>ERROR - Template Query has been updated in Actual History Screen</gel:log>


    You need to include same logic for all update statement.





  • 3.  Re: Concatenate all the errors description in single field(custom object)

    Posted Aug 29, 2017 08:39 AM

    This is very confusing ; there appears to be 2 different conversations going on related to the same problem making it hard to follow what is going on; can we try to keep a problem in a single discussion topic otherwise it just gets lost and people will be dis-inclined to help I think.

    Displaying Error message in custom object attribute using GEL 

    Concatenate all the errors description in single field(custom object)