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  • 1.  Resource availability rate and calendars

    Posted May 01, 2008 07:44 AM
    when you create a resource you assign an availability rate which represents the number of hours of work per day.   What is the interaction or impact between this value, the calendar shift settings and availablity?   In other words if a person is working 9 hours per day, does the shift calendar have to reflect a 9 hour work shift and whcih one influences the availablity calculation?[left]

  • 2.  RE: Resource availability rate and calendars
    Best Answer

    Posted Nov 16, 2012 05:24 AM
    The default shift for the base calendar is eight hours per day and you can set new shifts to override the default shift. when you change the resource availability value to some value other than the default one,it wont effect the shift need to manually change the shift calender to some other value.

  • 3.  RE: Resource availability rate and calendars

    Posted Nov 21, 2012 05:06 AM
    By default the availability in the calendar is reflected in the value of the resource availability on the properties page, but not vice versa. Therefore it is
    better not to change the value of the availability field, but consistently to adjust the availability with the shifts.

    Resource availability and calendar
    for examples

    Martti K.

  • 4.  RE: Resource availability rate and calendars

    Posted Apr 29, 2014 12:01 PM
    By default the availability in the calendar is reflected in the value of the resource availability on the properties page, but not vice versa. Therefore it is better not to change the value of the availability field, but consistently to adjust the availability with the shifts. See [url=]Resource availability and calendar[/url] for examples Martti K.

    Hello Martti

    Your link points to "Resource_availablility_and_calendar.pdf" but  I suppose you improved it and renamed to "Resource_availablility_and_calendar_v2.pdf" so previous link is failing.

    Correct links:


    Resource_availablility_and_calendar_P2.pdf (part2)

    Thanks to Martti for sharing all this information

  • 5.  RE: Resource availability rate and calendars

    Posted Apr 29, 2014 01:30 PM

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    I don't keep track were I put the links, so if I update a doc because of a typo or something and rename it the old refecenes don't work anymore if I maintain just one verion.

    Not gonna do that anumore.


    Martti K.