AutoSys Workload Automation

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CA Workload Automation Autosys Edition (AE) Office Hours Transcript (Feb.12th)

  • 1.  CA Workload Automation Autosys Edition (AE) Office Hours Transcript (Feb.12th)

    Posted Feb 12, 2015 12:42 PM
    Lenn Thompson - CA :Good morning, @Jim. Thanks for joining. We'll get started here in just a couple minutes.



    Jim Spath :Great.  I only see you, Chris, and Mike Woods.



    Michael Woods :Hi Jim, yes quiet this morning



    Lenn Thompson - CA :There is another CA call that is just wrapping up. I think we'll see more team members joining. Hopefully some more customers too.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :Okay, everyone. Thanks for joining us this morning. What questions do you have for our CA Workload Automation AE team?



    Jim Spath :Maybe off-topic, but: I saw moderation has been switched on in the CA Community site.  As I am a moderator on the SAP community site, I know too well the issues of combating spam. The SAP managers asked if we could have a conversation about best practices. On their site, point "cheating" is also a big issue.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Jim Yes. We had to turn moderation on for newer (low-point) users temporarily. We are hopeful that we'll be able to turn moderation off (or mostly off) by the end of the week.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Jim we are still sorting through some of the remnants  a spam attack last week.



    Jim Spath :The spammers will continue to test your defenses.



    Jim Spath :More on topic, we plan to install 11.3.6 SP1 only after getting 11.3.6 Incremental 1 Cumulative 1. I also found there is a patch required for WCC to work with SP1. Has anyone rolled out SP1 and what challenges did you find?



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Jim and that's why we may never be able to turn moderation completely off, unfortunately.



    Mike :Currently running Autosys 11.3.1 on unix and EEM/WCC 8.4.411 on windows 2003. Currently configuring EEM/WCC on windows 2008 for migration  2003. Can WCC/EEM be configured to point to Autosys 11.3.1 at sametime as 2003 is?



    Michael Woods :@Jim - I only know of a partner that has been testing SP1.  No reported problems.  The WCC patch is there to take advantage of the new status job attribute.



    Jim Spath :I know we are not supposed to discuss specific support cases, but a couple pain points we have are WCC views, and EEM policy management through dev/prod. Are there good troubleshooting guides people use for WCC and EEM?



    Michael Woods :@Mike - As long as you install the components on supported OS's, they will be able to work together.



    Jim Spath :@Mike - unless you install them in a different order than expected, in which case AutoSys agents and application servers are a pain.



    Jim Spath :(I can send that case # offline ;-) )



    Michael Woods :@Jim - If the problem is the policy itself, then I normally use the permission check and check teh debug box.  That gives me the polices that are checked and the group membership.



    Jim Spath :It looks like Windows Server 2012 R2 is suported now - just a few months late for our platforms.



    Jim Spath :@Mike it is not policy as such, it is comparing policies between dev and prod EEM servers. 



    Jim Spath :When I export to XML, sometimes I can compare, but sometimes the order is rearranged, making a diff more challengin.



    Jim Spath :/imng/



    Jim Spath :/challenging/ (sorry)



    Michael Woods :@Jim - got it.  Do you have multi-write setup between them or are they seperate?



    Jim Spath :Dev and prod are totally separate EEM instances (and we have a sandbox for patch practice).



    Michael Woods :@Jim - we can set up a call afterwards, but I'd need to know what method you currently use.  Develop in Dev and the export/edit/import or create in each one?



    Jim Spath :@Mike - create in each one. The challenge I have is simply comparing the two. The only method I know is to use the XML dumps.



    Jim Spath :Back to the CA Community - is there a dashboard view of "Ideas" for AutoSys?  I have created a few (ahem) and need to manually check them for progress.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Jim Are you getting emails about your ideas? When they are edited or commented on?



    Jim Spath :@Lenn I suppose; not quite sure. I don't think I get notified when someone votes, but what I'm asking about is a higher level view of what Ideas are proposed, how many votes, and the review status.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@jim You can also get an overview of all of the content you've via your profile page (content tab)



    Jim Spath :I went ahead and created an Idea summary for my suggestions.  But what about those proposed by others?





    Jim Spath :This page is what I get for my own ideas, using Jive menus:





    Lenn Thompson - CA :@jim: Which is just the main content page under the WA community, then filtered by content type (ideas) and then picking a category (AE)



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Jim Could you email me a screenshot of that page? What I see is MY content by those filters -- so it's different  what you see.



    Jim Spath :I am at 7 pages and counting for AE Ideas.



    Jim Spath :Nitin seems to have me on # of suggestions. ha.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Jim Yes. Nitin has been keeping on top of them of late as well.



    Jim Spath :I wonder how many ideas are duplicates...



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Jim I'm not sure, but that's for Nitin and team to sort though



    Jim Spath :@lenn - a summary would help me decide where I need to vote.  Looking at 7 pages of ideas one by one is time consuming.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :@Jim Understood. Will explore what options we might have there.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :Do we have any other questions related to AE?



    Jim Spath :one more - we need to stop a few hundred agents next week for a storage patch. Any best practice for agent health checks / management, (pending the new version)?



    Michael Woods :@Jim - One of the changes for 11.3.6 is to start writing messages to the log when an agent sends health messages to teh scheduler.



    Jim Spath :@Mike - that is for disk space threshold only right?



    Michael Woods :@Jim - you can configure the agent for example to send alerts when it starts running out of disk space.  Warning, Critical settings and one other level that escapes me



    Jim Spath :(because when the "health" topic was previewed, I had different ideas about what that implied)



    Michael Woods :@Jim - The agent also sends messages to 'known' managers when it starts and when it shuts down gracefully.



    Michael Woods :@Jim - What type of info are you looking for?



    Jim Spath :@Mike - "health" to me implied performance metrics like response time, CPU and memory usage, error log analysis, etc.



    Michael Woods :@Jim - Some of that can be obtained  the agent using SNMP get or JMX get attribute type functionality



    Jim Spath :@Mike but day-to-day operational starting and stopping agents is  problematic for security reasons - need to be root/admin on the server, and stopping/starting en masse is not supported natively (yet).



    Jim Spath :@Mike what is JMX?



    Michael Woods :@Jim - JMX = Java Management Extension



    Michael Woods :@Jim - Agent configuration will enable it.



    Jim Spath :@Mike - OK will research that. Thanks!



    Michael Woods :@Jim - I'll send you some info





    Lenn Thompson - CA :We have a few minutes left. Anything else, @Jim? If not, we can wrap up a couple minutes early!



    Jim Spath :I'm good. Back to the ticket queue.



    Lenn Thompson - CA :Thanks for joining, Jim. Talk to you soon!