Rally Software

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  • 1.  Rally Suggestions

    Posted Mar 20, 2020 08:53 AM
    Probably not the right area to suggest this but wanted a sense of whether these have community value or not:

    #1 I create a lot of custom page dashboards. I try to group functionality by role (ScrumMaster, Product Owner, RTE, UAT, ...) and usually the dashboard needs to fall into the category of unfiltered​ (few), filtered by sprint (more), filtered by release (most). There are many pages where I need to do a combination of filtering and no filtering, but the majority of the content will be filtered.

    Suggestion - for apps that are added to a custom page, add a new setting that basically is "Respect Page Filtering" and set the default to true, and you'd get the same results as you do now. But, if you set the setting to false, you could now incorporate other content that is filtered only by the query and other project/date choices built into the standard apps.

    Why - without this, each "combo" dashboard has to have each app customized so that the filtering is done within the query, so that the apps that you don't want to be filtered, won't inherit a global page filter. Examples would be a custom page that is release filtered, but you want to look for items that can't be found if release filtering applies to the entire custom page. We have a dashboard for Product Managers that includes content for the current release, but we also want them to inspect features not in the current release that have US's that are in the release. The only way to do this now is to make each "release" app on the page filtered by release within the query. This adds additional housekeeping when moving to the next release and having to update all of the embedded filtering criteria.

    #2 allow moving a custom page to another menu - from​ Track to Quality to Reports ... I have a sandbox under Reports where I prototype new report apps. It's important to do this in a safe place where other Rally users don't see the trials of making an app work - especially the JavaScript ones that need to be debugged. I've prototyped an entire dashboard there before getting final sign-off - and then I've got to re-create under the proper menu. Copying only copies within that menu item. If you could copy and then select a target menu, that would be nice. Or if you clicked the pencil icon and selected the custom page and had a new menu to "Move" as well as Delete, Hide From Me, ...

    #3 create a new "canvas" app that does nothing more than render 2+ apps in a row. Layout within a ​custom page is limited to columns and whether one column is wider than another. You can size apps vertically to get the right amount of real estate for each app, but you can't do something like have 1 row with 1 app, a row below with 3 apps, and a third row with 2 apps. The only option is to have 3 columns - and the row with only 1 app is horizontally too narrow.

    If the community feels any of these has merit, I can embellish and add screen mocks if that helps.

    Benefitfocus.com, Inc

  • 2.  RE: Rally Suggestions
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 23, 2020 10:04 AM
    Hi Greg, 

    I don't encounter 1 much, but have before for sure. I like this idea.
    I also like the second idea! Many times people don't think ahead of time and assume they can move the page, and are disheartened to find they cannot. While I'm pretty quick at setting up dashboards, end users have less experience and get disappointed when they find they have to do it again (for lack of experience or lack of time). ​
    It would also be great for number 3, espesically pages using the kanban or custom board app. This I often like to have all the way across the screen, but then I have no way to make the other apps more compact, without squishing the kanban board in the process. 

    It's an upvote on all three of these for me.

    Lean Analyst
    EBSCO Information Services