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Usage of Signing Alias in SAML SP configuration - RFI

  • 1.  Usage of Signing Alias in SAML SP configuration - RFI

    Posted Sep 07, 2020 06:14 PM
    I would like to understand the behavior of SiteMinder when you either provide a value in Signing Alias under Signing options while setting up a new Serivce provider under legacy federation.

    We were seeing HTTP 500 errors for one our federated application recently. We tried adding a value in Signing Alias as it was blank earlier and it resolved the issue.

    But we do have policy dumps from the past and we can see this config being blank for more than a year and was not causing problems.

    Please advise on the behavior of SiteMinder when you either provide a value in Signing Alias under Signing options or when you leave it blank.