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Response with Open Format Cookie fail to fill attribute when DN is longer of a certain number of characters

  • 1.  Response with Open Format Cookie fail to fill attribute when DN is longer of a certain number of characters

    Posted Jun 28, 2019 01:28 PM

    Hi to all,
    I want to share a strange behavhior:

    have siteminder 12.8.2

    My policies all have a response as an open cookie format.

    The destination user store is active directory. (LDAP)

    In addition to the standard values ​​(SM_USERNAME, SM_USERLOGINNAME, etc. ..) I added other attributes from Active Directory: all standard attributes: (ie. Title, Name, sAMAccountName, etc.).

    When I login with a user with a short DN there is no problem: all values ​​in the open cookie format are filled.

    When I login with a user who has a "long" DN, only the standard values ​​are filled (SM_USERNAME, SM_USERLOGINNAME, etc.) but all other attributes are null.

    In the log I have this error

    smtracedefault_20190628_074523.log:[06/28/2019][07:43:13.361][07:43:13][14101][140017158559488][SmDsLdapProvider.cpp:1672][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][LogMessage:ERROR:[sm-Ldap-00640] Failed to fetch user property 'objectclass' for DN 'CN=XXXX,OU=YYYY,OU=KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK,OU=ZZZZ,OU=TTTT,OU=ZZ'][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

    It seems that this log is present only with user that have a DN longer than 100 charcaters, that is very stange and in the log the DN is truncated exatly to 100chars.

    What do you think ?

    Thanks in advance