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Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

  • 1.  Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted Mar 29, 2018 11:56 AM

    I´m using process automation to create a process that allows me to create a Service Catalog Request via webservice.

    I´m using the method addRequestWithForm to create the request.

    In the process of the request creation I want this process to be dinamic, so I need to search in catalog database to found the follow required information:

    offering_id, rete_item_id and item_id to be able to create my requests.

    I´m able to find offering_id searching in table usm_offering.

    But I´m not able to find relations that make me find the other required values.

    Is there other tables that, with the offering_id value makes me find the other values?

  • 2.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice
    Best Answer

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 10:09 AM

    Hey Paulo,


    For addRequestWithForm you will need the offering id, option group id and the id of the form element of the option.


    Following are a couple of options:


    1) Use web services:

    • Call getRatePlansIncludedInOffering passing the offering id, this will return the option group id(s)
    • Call getRatePlanDefinition passing the offering id and the option group id returned from getRatePlansIncludedInOffering, you can parse the results for the itemid with itemtype=14 (form)


    For more information on these methods I would recommend taking a look at Administration > Tools > Links > Web Services API.


    2) Database queries:

    • Pass the offering id to the following which will return the associated option group id(s):

             select * from usm_offering_rplan_inclusion where parent_id= <offering_id>

    • Pass the option group id to the following which return the itemid of the form element:

             select * from usm_rate_definition where rate_plan_id=<option group id> and item_type=14 and status <> 0



  • 3.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 11:00 AM

    OK, thanks for that information.

    It will help me a lot.

    Now I need only one more.

    The forms associated to my service offerings are different, with each composed of diferent field.

    Now what I want is to know all the form field names because I will need to populate the fields to submit the form,

  • 4.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 11:36 AM

    Again a couple of options:


    1) Call getFormDefinitions web service method

    2) Query:


    select * from usm_form_entities where form_entity_path COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT like '%'+(select text_1 COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT from usm_rate_definition where rate_plan_id=<option group id> and item_type=14 and status <> 0)+'%'


    Note you might need to adjust the like query if your option has multiple forms associated.

  • 5.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 12:32 PM


    With this query I can discover the form field labels, but to submit form with webservice I need the form fields ids.

    Where I can find that?

  • 6.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted Apr 02, 2018 03:19 PM

    The form field attributes including the _id are stored in usm_form_component_attributes. usm_form_component_attributes.form_comp_id correlates to usm_form_entities.form_entity_id.


    Alternatively, getFormDefinitions does include this info:


    <key xsi:type="soapenc:string">_id</key>
    <value xsi:type="ns2:AttributeValue">
      <locale xsi:type="xsd:string">_system</locale>
      <name xsi:type="xsd:string">_id</name>
      <type xsi:type="xsd:string">1</type>
      <value xsi:type="xsd:string">caReportQuery</value>

  • 7.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted Apr 03, 2018 11:05 AM

    Thanks for the information, but I need a new one.

    Some of my service options are flagged to make attachements required.

    Because of this, I´m not able to submit the request via webservice without an attachment.

    I need to know where I found this information.

    Searching database I found the following table:

    select * from usm_rate_definition, but I also find that if I change the service option this table contains the line with old and new definitions.

    From my search too I think that the attachment required value is saved in the ENUM_9 database field.

    What I need to do is to find the top item_id form this table where item_type = 0?

  • 8.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted Apr 05, 2018 03:17 PM

    Hey Paulo,


    At quick glance that looks to be the case, attachment mandatory sets enum_9=1 so you might be able to check similar to the following:


    select top 1 enum_9 from usm_rate_definition where rate_plan_id=<rate_plan_id> and status <> 0 




  • 9.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted Apr 11, 2018 04:33 PM

    I'm trying to create the attachment with one of this 2 WS methods:



    The request is being attached, but I receive an error to submit the request.

    If I access the created request in catalog interface, I see the attachment but if I try to submit by interface I receive a message that attachment is mandatory.

    If I attach a new file by interface I'm able to submit this request.

    Any Idea?

  • 10.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Posted May 03, 2018 10:10 AM

    Someone has an idea?

  • 11.  Re: Create a Catalog Request via Webservice

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Apr 05, 2018 10:29 AM

    Good Afternoon Paulo.

    I fiound the following explanation.
    And although only tested through the SOAPUI, it might give you an idea for your environment then too.

    1) we create a empty request
    <requestData xsi:type="soapenc:string" xmlns:soapenc="">name: ABAKUS: REQ0030198 - RITM0042146!created_date:2017-07-31 04:25:56!desired_date:!priority:4!req_by_user_id:H715000!req_for_user_id:H715000!comments:ServiceNow SYS_ID:CAT001371</requestData>
    <requestValuesData xsi:type="soapenc:string" xmlns:soapenc="">authorization_number:RITM0042146!project:CAT001371!gl_code:88888!cost_center:(spezifiziert in der Service auftrag Form)!ship_to_address1:N/A!ship_to_city:N/A!ship_to_state:N/A!ship_to_postal:N/A!ship_to_country:N/A</requestValuesData>

    Local amelo01-I1660:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">
    <ser:saveRequest soapenv:encodingStyle="">
    <sessionID xsi:type="xsd:string">8dc7b70b-d514-4fe8-aa8c-cd316ac8e1b6</sessionID>
    <requestData xsi:type="xsd:string">name: ABAKUS: REQ0030198 - RITM0042146|created_date:2017-07-31 04:25:56|desired_date:|priority:4|req_by_user_id:spadmin|req_for_user_id:amelo01|comments:ServiceNow SYS_ID:CAT001371</requestData>
    <requestValuesData xsi:type="xsd:string">authorization_number:RITM0042146|project:CAT001371|gl_code:88888|cost_center:(spezifiziert in der Service auftrag Form)|ship_to_address1:N/A|ship_to_city:N/A|ship_to_state:N/A|ship_to_postal:N/A|ship_to_country:N/A</requestValuesData>
    <requestValuesDataType xsi:type="xsd:string"></requestValuesDataType>
    <addedOfferings xsi:type="xsd:string"></addedOfferings>
    <removedOfferings xsi:type="xsd:string"></removedOfferings>
    <addedItems xsi:type="xsd:string"></addedItems>

    Result: <requestID xsi:type="xsd:int">10167</requestID>

    2) then we save the service into the request
    SELECT o.offering_id, o.offering_name,
    rp.rate_plan_id, rp.status,rp.date_available, rp.is_inherited, rp.total_rows, rp.total_cols,rp.domain,rp.sort_order_no,rp.rate_plan_name,rp.description, as iid, ori.layout as layout
    FROM usm_offering o, usm_rate_plan rp,usm_offering_rplan_inclusion ori
    WHERE o.offering_name = 'SAP Lieferant'
    AND ori.parent_id=o.offering_id
    AND rp.rate_plan_id=ori.child_id
    AND rp.status in (1,6)
    Result: 10248 SAP Lieferant 10171 ~ Bestellung von Services

    <requestID xsi:type="xsd:int">298719</requestID>
    <addedOfferings xsi:type="soapenc:string" xmlns:soapenc="">offering_id:12396</addedOfferings>

    Local amelo01-I1660:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">
    <ser:saveRequestItems soapenv:encodingStyle="">
    <sessionID xsi:type="xsd:string">8dc7b70b-d514-4fe8-aa8c-cd316ac8e1b6</sessionID>
    <requestID xsi:type="xsd:int">10167</requestID>
    <addedOfferings xsi:type="xsd:string">offering_id:10248</addedOfferings>
    <removedOfferings xsi:type="xsd:string"></removedOfferings>
    <addedItems xsi:type="xsd:string"></addedItems>

    3) after that we try to fill out the attached form (and here occurs the error)
    select id from usm_subscription_detail where request_id=10167 and subscription_type=5
    Result: 10703

    <subscriptionDetailID xsi:type="xsd:int">4376088</subscriptionDetailID>
    <formValuesData xsi:type="soapenc:string" xmlns:soapenc="">pri_phone_number:9932431||first_name:Rüdiger|last_name:Kinert|userid:H715000|FromDate:|befrVon:|befrVonPflicht:|ToDate:|befrBis:|befrBisPflicht:|lokation_lokation:Chemnitz - Chemnitztalstr. 13 (enviaM)|lokation_raum:302a|lokation_haus:CT01|Beschreibung: Anfragetyp: Vorhandener Nutzer zuordnen.|ServiceCode:SN(CAT001371);acc#|Account:0b4cd065f6cdba4f9254cbe52421aaba~H715000|hiddenFields:;hiddenFields;FromDate;ToDate;ServiceCode;befrBisPflicht;befrVonPflicht;Beschreibung_pflicht;PC;</formValuesData>

    Original data from client:
    <formValuesData xsi:type="xsd:string">pri_phone_number:9932431||first_name:Louis|last_name:Amelsfort|userid:amelo01|FromDate:|befrVon:|befrVonPflicht:|ToDate:|befrBis:|befrBisPflicht:|lokation_lokation:Chemnitz - Chemnitztalstr. 13 (enviaM)|lokation_raum:302a|lokation_haus:CT01|Beschreibung: Anfragetyp: Vorhandener Nutzer zuordnen.|ServiceCode:SN(CAT001371);acc#|Account:0b4cd065f6cdba4f9254cbe52421aaba~H715000|hiddenFields:;hiddenFields;FromDate;ToDate;ServiceCode;befrBisPflicht;befrVonPflicht;Beschreibung_pflicht;PC;</formValuesData>

    Local amelo01-I1660:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">
    <ser:saveRequestForm soapenv:encodingStyle="">
    <sessionID xsi:type="xsd:string">8dc7b70b-d514-4fe8-aa8c-cd316ac8e1b6</sessionID>
    <subscriptionDetailID xsi:type="xsd:int">10703</subscriptionDetailID>
    <formValuesData xsi:type="xsd:string">pri_phone_number:9932431||first_name:Louis|last_name:Amelsfort|userid:amelo01</formValuesData>
    Result: NO error.

    <formValuesData xsi:type="xsd:string">pri_phone_number:9932431||first_name:Louis|last_name:Amelsfort|userid:amelo01</formValuesData>
    It works okay.

    I then added "|FromDate:" and get the below error:
    <formValuesData xsi:type="xsd:string">pri_phone_number:9932431||first_name:Louis|last_name:Amelsfort|userid:amelo01|FromDate:</formValuesData>
    Result: Error in view.log:
    2017/08/04 DEBUG [http-bio-8080-exec-11] [RequestServiceImpl] propsFormData :{userid=H715000, first_name=Rüdiger, lokation_haus=CT01, befrBisPflicht=,, hiddenFields=;hiddenFields;FromDate;ToDate;ServiceCode;befrBisPflicht;befrVonPflicht;Beschreibung_pflicht;PC;, FromDate=, lokation_lokation=Chemnitz - Chemnitztalstr. 13 (enviaM), ServiceCode=SN(CAT001371);acc#, Account=0b4cd065f6cdba4f9254cbe52421aaba|H715000, lokation_raum=302a, befrVonPflicht=, befrBis=, ToDate=, last_name=Kinert, pri_phone_number=9932431, Beschreibung= Anfragetyp: Vorhandener Nutzer zuordnen., befrVon=}
    2017/08/04 ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-11] [RequestServiceImpl] SOAPREQ010

    <formValuesData xsi:type="xsd:string">pri_phone_number:9932431||first_name:Louis|last_name:Amelsfort|userid:amelo01|FromDate:08/04/2017 0:0:0</formValuesData>
    "|FromDate:08/04/2017 0:0:0", all runs okay again.

    <formValuesData xsi:type="xsd:string">pri_phone_number:9932431||first_name:Louis|last_name:Amelsfort|userid:amelo01|FromDate:08/04/2017 0:0:0|befrVon:08/04/2017 0:0:0|befrVonPflicht:|ToDate:08/04/2017 0:0:0|befrBis:08/04/2017 0:0:0|befrBisPflicht:|lokation_lokation:Chemnitz - Chemnitztalstr. 13 (enviaM)|lokation_raum:302a|lokation_haus:CT01|Beschreibung: Anfragetyp: Vorhandener Nutzer zuordnen.|ServiceCode:SN(CAT001371);acc#|Account:0b4cd065f6cdba4f9254cbe52421aaba~H715000|hiddenFields:;hiddenFields;FromDate;ToDate;ServiceCode;befrBisPflicht;befrVonPflicht;Beschreibung_pflicht;PC;</formValuesData>
    <formValuesData xsi:type="xsd:string">pri_phone_number:9932431||first_name:Louis|last_name:Amelsfort|userid:amelo01|FromDate:08/04/2017 0:0:0|befrVon:08/04/2017 0:0:0|befrVonPflicht:08/04/2017 0:0:0|ToDate:08/04/2017 0:0:0|befrBis:08/04/2017 0:0:0|befrBisPflicht:08/04/2017 0:0:0|lokation_lokation:Chemnitz - Chemnitztalstr. 13 (enviaM)|lokation_raum:302a|lokation_haus:CT01|Beschreibung: Anfragetyp: Vorhandener Nutzer zuordnen.|ServiceCode:SN(CAT001371);acc#|Account:0b4cd065f6cdba4f9254cbe52421aaba~H715000|hiddenFields:;hiddenFields;FromDate;ToDate;ServiceCode;befrBisPflicht;befrVonPflicht;Beschreibung_pflicht;PC;</formValuesData>

    Date fields may not be empty. All 'date' fields have been given a value. 
    The date value must be composed of date & time (08/04/2017 0:0:0)

    Kind regards, Louis.