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1. TEC1904657 Getting 'Unexpected element : OPEN_TAG' Exception when loading CEM Web Services in SoapUI 5.0 TEC1920756 Getting "Out of Shared Memory" Errors for Postgres database TEC1210346 Java agent causing error: Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to TEC604907 MQ Message Broker Error: AMQ9999: Channel program ended abnormally Channel program SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN terminated abnormally TEC1688585 How do I prevent “No X509TrustManager implementation available” Errors from occurring during the Installation of an OPMS? TEC604648 How to perform APM Cluster Performance Health Check. TEC597519 How to purge or reduce the size of a Postgresql APM database and optimize CEM data retention TEC600823 When do we have to use the flag XX:-UseSplitVerifier ? Why is this needed TEC595290 How to Configure CA APM to use LDAP Authentication (Introscope and APM CE). TEC1088808 Postgres install error message: "Unable to write inside TEMP environment variable path." TEC1786055 Why are we getting "Unable to load the Wrapper's native library 'wrapper.dll'" when starting Powerpack for Webservers? TEC593939 How to implement CA EEM and LDAP for Authentication and Authorization of CA APM TEC1411716 How do I Address “Resource limit matched” Messages as Reported by File Systems of an OPMS installation? TEC1772843 Installing nac-pcap Napatech drivers TEC610521 A Guide to Solving Common Stats and Defects Aggregation Problems TEC1438034 Seeing MOM log error: CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JDBC Connection for transaction TEC611462 Postgres process consuming 100% CPU TEC1748203 How to enable and query APM REST API? TEC607007 Introscope Enterprise Manager fails to start with the message: Error activating bean: com.wily.introscope.server.beans.apm.ApmServiceBean TEC1385244 APM logs and how to enable Debug.