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APM Top 20 for September 2014

  • 1.  APM Top 20 for September 2014

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Oct 08, 2014 12:10 PM

    APM Top 20 Accessed KB Articles and Documents for September 2014


    1. Bash Code Injection aka "Shellshock" and CEM TIM and TIMSoft




    The CEM Transaction Impact Monitor (TIM) is a passive network probe that collects business transaction information on HTTP/HTTPS traffic through a network span or tap. The CEM TIM is a C++ based application that runs on specific versions of the Linux operating system and does not use the Bash shell for any of its operational functions, however prior to version 9.6, the TIM installation script does use the bash shell.

    It has been recently disclosed by industry experts that most versions of Unix, Linux, OSX and other variants are susceptible to a security issue that allows the execution of bash code injection. This is being referred to in the media as "Shellshock".

    2. Technical Advisory: Workstation Web Start Client Fails to Start with Java 7 Update 45 (Java 1.7.0_45), Java 6 Update 65 (Java 1.6.0_65), and Java 5 Update 55 (Java 1.5.0_55)




    CA Technologies has identified a potential issue with the CA APM/Introscope Workstation Web Start client with Java 7 Update 45 (Java 1.7.0_45), Java 6 Update 65 (Java 1.6.0_65) and Java 5 Update 55 (Java 1.5.0_55). This technical advisory describes the affected versions and platforms in more detail, and explains the workarounds or remediation actions that are recommended to prevent this issue from impacting your usage of CA APM.

    3. How to gather diagnostic files for APM products using CA Remote Engineer?





    Description: How to gather diagnostic files for APM products using CA Remote Engineer?


    4. APM Cluster Performance Health Check



    Description: The Perflog can reveal much about the health of the Collectors in a cluster. This article discusses the most easily diagnosed issues. For a complete analysis, CA Services should be engaged for a comprehensive health check.

    5. DST issue with APM 9.5.0, 9.5.1, 9.5.2 - Oracle Partition Creation Failed Message received after Daylight Savings Time change ORA-14074



    Description: While running APM 9.5.0, 9.5.1 or 9.5.2 with an Oracle APM Database, the following errors in the APM CE GUI And in TIM Collection Service EM Logs may occur when transitioning to Daylight Savings Time in North America:

    Partition creation failed
    Administration Enterprise Manager Partition creation failed.
    Disk or oracle table space probably exhausted.

    Manager.com.timestock.tess.util.DbUtils] Execute failed for SQL DDL 'ALTER
    TABLE ts_us_sessions_map ADD PARTITION ts_us_sessions_map_20140309_03
    VALUES LESS THAN (TIMESTAMP '2014-03-09 4:00:00 -4:00')'

    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-14074: partition bound must collate higher than
    that of the last partition"

    Session maps may also may be missing


    NOTE: This issue and resolution pertain to North American sites ONLY. If you are experiencing this problem in any other region, please contact CA Technical Support for assistance (support.ca.com).

    A Technical Advisory with more details is available at https://support.ca.com/phpdocs/0/5974/5974_critical_alert_DST_Issue_032014.pdf.



    6. How to avoid a "database inaccessible" error?



    Description: How is it possible to avoid an error like

    "10/11/13 09:41:03.742 AM EDT [WARN] [CheckDatabase.Thread1]
    [Manager.com.timestock.tess.util.DbUtils] database inaccessible; will check later"

    which also includes a

    FATAL: password
    authentication failed for user "admin" message?


    7. Using Web Start Workstation with Java 7 u51 (Java7u51, Java 1.7.0_51-b13)



    Description: A Technical Advisory has been issued to address problems starting the APM Web Start Workstation. The Advisory allows users to run the Web Start workstation with Java 7 u45, but does not work with Java 7 u51. This article updates the Advisory to allow users to run the Web Start workstation with the enhanced security present in Java 7 u51 and above by taking the additional step of reducing the Security Level from High to Medium.


    8. How to implement CA EEM and LDAP for Authentication and Authorization of CA APM


    Using CA EEM, CA Embedded Entitlements Manager, in conjunction with a supported LDAP Server, it is possible to eliminate manual updates to CA APM configuration files every time you need to add a new user, change a password or update access permissions.

    CA EEM allows you to utilize a supported LDAP server for authentication while it controls authorization policies for LDAP users and groups. If you do not use LDAP, EEM can even perform authentication duties using the secure, proprietary CA Directory, which is included.

    CA EEM is bundled with CA APM and is available from the APM Product Downloads Page on support.ca.com. It can be installed on the same or a separate server as the Enterprise Manager.. CA EEM supports many CA products, serving as a single point of control for authentication and authorization.


    9. Scenario: Granting Access to CA Executive Insight Using CA EEM



    Description: NA



    10. HTTP 500 Error when attempting to login to ABA Webview. NoClassDefFoundError




    When attempting to login to ABA Webview, an HTTP 500 Error is received:

       Problem accessing /.



    Caused by:

      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ca/apm/analytics/common/IAnalyticsService 
      at org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspService(org.apache.jsp.index_jsp:148) 
      at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:109)




    11. The Application Server logs are filled with ".Does not have a local stall repository" messages. What shall I do?





    Description: This article will discuss the cause and impact of the "does not have a local stall repository" appearing repeatedly in application server logs.



    12. Scenario: Install CA Executive Insight on Linux - Part 1






    Description: NA


    13. Scenario: Install CA Executive Insight on Linux - Part 2



    Description: NA


    14. Smartstortools Help



    Description: Best practices and examples for Smartstortools usage.


    15. How to enable Agent 9.1 JMX with Jboss 5.1 and enable the Thread and JDBC graphs available from the new Resources tab



    Description: NA



    16. How to Set a Workstation Alert for ConnectionStatus



    Description: There are 4 possible Connection States:

    3 = disconnected

    2 = connected, slowly or no data

    1 = connected

    0 = unmounted

    Q. How can I build a threshold alert on a value of 0, unmounted?

    When a JVM is restarted, it jumps to 3. Then it returns to 1 when connected.

    When a JVM has been down for 30 minutes, it becomes "unmounted".



    17. What is the difference between the files Agent.jar, AgentNoRedef.jar, AgentNoRetrans.jar, AgentNoRedefNoRetrans.jar?



    Description: What is the difference between the jar files:

    Agent.jar - canRedefine and canRetransform settings are both set to true
    AgentNoRedef.jar - canRedefine setting is set to false (no longer used)
    AgentNoRetrans.jar - canRetransform setting is set to false (no longer used)
    AgentNoRedefNoRetrans.jar - canRedefine and canRetransform settings are both set to false. With the introduction of the retransformation option in the IBM JVM 1.6 this jar was developed to address performance issues being experienced by some clients and replaces the AgentNoRedef.jar and AgentNoRetrans.jar


    18. Troubleshooting a 9.1.x .Net Agent Installation


    Description: This article will discuss basic steps that can be taken to troubleshoot a 9.1.x .Net installation.



    19. How to transfer ABA analysis server data to a later APM release.



    Description: This covers the steps needed to copy ABA analysis server data to a later APM release.



    20. After enabling SSL tracing, the Tim log is filled with Unsupported Ciphersuite warnings. Should I be concerned?




    The following warnings are coming up on the TIM log after enabling SSL tracing.

    Warning: sslprint: Unsupported CipherSuite - 57 (TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA)
    Warning: sslinterface: network_process_packet: error 10 (unsupported ciphersuite), conn 11745060, packet 187519287, [<IPAddress>]:20843->[<IPAddress>]:2221; ignoring further data

    Please explain what could be the possible reason for these warning messages..