Thanks Prema. It is working now.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-30-2020 03:37 PM
From: Prema Gadde
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
Today support did a WebEx and looked into the issue. Parthiban is changing the VS name when deploying. Support recommended the below which resolved the issue:
. When create a VS make sure VSM is created or placed in the Project/VirtualServices folder, VSI is in Project/VirtualServices/Images folder and VTS file is in Project/Data folder.
. Make sure VSM/VSI/VTS file names are same. For example, Test.vsm/Test.vsi/Test.vts.
. When deployed the VS, don't change the name. For example, leave the VS name as Test for Test.vsm.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-14-2020 09:25 AM
From: Prema Gadde
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
Hi Parthiban,
Validated the issue in DevTest 10.5 at http://localhost:1505/lisa-virtualize-invoke/api/v3/swagger-ui and it worked.
Below is the Curl command it generated in 10.5 which is same as in 10.6.
curl -X POST "http://localhost:1505/lisa-virtualize-invoke/api/v3/vses/VSE/services/VSwithRRJSON" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "deploy=true" -F "inputFile1=@operation-10-req.txt;type=text/plain" -F "inputFile2=@operation-10-rsp.txt;type=text/plain"
Please try the above Curl command at your end.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-10-2020 11:24 PM
From: Parthiban V
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
Hi Prema,
Could you please try the same in 10.5.2 version as we are yet to upgrade our systems to 10.6
Original Message:
Sent: 09-10-2020 03:36 PM
From: Prema Gadde
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
Hi Parthiban,
I validated the issue in DevTest 10.6 and it worked fine from Swagger UI. Here are the steps followed.
. Created VS (VSwithRRJSON.vsm) using 2 RR pairs from the DevTest_Home/Projects/Bankv6/Data/rrpairs folder in Workstation.. rrpairs folder has 3 pairs and I used the 3rd pair for updating VS.
. Deployed the VS VSwithRRJSON.vsm to VSE.
. Logged into Swagger UI http://localhost:1505/lisa-virtualize-invoke/api/v3/swagger-ui
. Validated the Update Virtual Service call POST /vses/{vseName}/services/{virtualServiceName} as in the below screenshot
The Curl command in the above screenshot is:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:1505/lisa-virtualize-invoke/api/v3/vses/VSE/services/VSwithRRJSON" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "config={"transportProtocol":{"overwriteTxns":true}}" -F "deploy=true" -F "inputFile1=@operation-10-req.txt;type=text/plain" -F "inputFile2=@operation-10-rsp.txt;type=text/plain"
I downloaded the MAR file after the update and see the new transaction.
Satish from Citi opened a support ticket 32216669 and I am going to share this information.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-04-2020 09:33 AM
From: Parthiban V
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
Hi Vaibhav,
PFB the request details for update service.
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "config={"transportProtocol":{"overwriteTxns":true}}" -F "deploy=true" -F "inputFile1=@1-req.xml;type=text/xml" -F "inputFile2=@1-rsp.xml;type=text/xml"
We are replicating the same above curl command in java also.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-04-2020 09:05 AM
From: Vaibhav Jain
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
Hi Parthiban,
I meant in the message body.
Can you share the message body which you are trying to trigger. There are different call for creating a service and updating the service via V3 APIs. Please check
Vaibhav Jain
Original Message:
Sent: 09-04-2020 08:59 AM
From: Parthiban V
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
@Sankar Natarajan
PFA for log file.
@Vaibhav Jain
You mean i should add any headers or something like version number ?
Original Message:
Sent: 09-04-2020 08:10 AM
From: Vaibhav Jain
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
Hi Parthiban,
Try updating the version number in your POST request and try once.
Vaibhav Jain
Original Message:
Sent: 09-04-2020 07:30 AM
From: Parthiban V
Subject: Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed? exception while adding new RR pair using V3 api
We are trying to insert new R-R pairs (new transactions) to the exising virtual service image using V3 api (/lisa-virtualize-invoke/api/v3/vses/) which was originally created using DevTest workstation. We are getting the below error when we call this api.
msg:: {"error":"Virtual Service failed to be deployed, already deployed?"}
createVseEndpoint call failed !!! HTTP status code: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
I will explain the steps below.
1. Created a simple http stub using json R-R pair in DevTest workstation
2. Deployed it directly from DevTest workstation. It is working successfully.
3. Add new R-R pairs (new transactions) to the same virtual service using V3 api. It is throwing error.
We want to check whether this approach will work to add new transactions or not and design an automation project based on this outcome.
Could anyone help on this please.