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Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

  • 1.  Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 16, 2014 12:42 PM



    I have a requirement that I am running out of ideas on how to fulfill. Have been trying this for some time now.


    The attached code 'mp_data_dump_obs_selection_daily.sql', gives me the Task Date and Task Hours on a Daily basis.


    • this report generates by regular calendar dates (any date you enter in the parameters), but it gives me the daily tasks instead of rolling up to a total.  So for example, if I worked on a task each day for 1 hour called Coding, it would give me the information as follows:
      • Monday, Windows 1 hr
      • Tuesday, Windows 1 hr, etc.


    The attached code 'mp_data_dump_obs_selection.sql' gives me Task Date and Task Hours on a Weekly basis.


    • This is based on the fiscal calendar or Monday to Sunday data.  It rolls up the information by task, so you can a total rather than breaking it out by day.  But if my month falls in the middle of the week, then when I run the report to gather what the actual hours are for a given month, I have to subtract out the end of the previous month and the start of the next month to get the correct month data.


    When I run the actual data for a given month, I have to use the MP-Data Dump: OBS Selection Report and then subtract out the hours prior to the given month and after. So for example in the April report, I had to go in and remove the hours from 3/31 and also 5/1 – 5/4 to give me the total number of hours for the month of April.


    The above report can only give me the Monday to Sunday numbers, hence the reason explained above and the other report gives me every task for the week.


    Here is what I need:


    • Start and End Date – I need to be able to enter my time period that would use the daily period not the weekly period (that is given to me in the OBS Selection Report).  For example, I need to enter 8/1 to 8/31 and get that time period, even though those dates may end up mid-week.


    • Task Hours – I need these to roll up to a total for the week, not give me a daily time for each task.  So if I entered one hour each day for Not at Work, I need the report to show 5 hrs to Not at Work for the week.  


    I basically need to combine both the reports. However, one report gets it data from timesheet tables and another gets it data from timeslice tables.


    Can somebody help me with the same? Thanks in advance.

  • 2.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 16, 2014 12:52 PM

    Not going thro' your code, have you tried using the below ?




  • 3.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 16, 2014 01:44 PM

    I have tried using 'WEEKLYRESOURCEACTCURVE' but it's not helping me.

  • 4.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 16, 2014 04:01 PM

    If you are querying the pr_blb_slices.slice then you should be able to restrict the time frame with prj_blb_slices.slice_date 's greater than and less than

  • 5.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 16, 2014 06:23 PM

    Hello urmas,


    Thanks for your reply. Using prj_blb_slices.slice_date 's greater than and less than, I am able to restrict the time frame. However, my client's requirement is a little bit more. Please see below if you would be able to help.


    I need to be able to modify the code of 'mp_data_dump_obs_selection_daily.sql' so as to :


    1) roll-up or total the task hours on a weekly basis instead of daily.

         - Can do this using weekly time slices but here is the problem in below point.

    2) the task hours should show data with start date as from the date I enter to Sunday, instead of Monday to Sunday numbers.

         For example, for the month of April, 2014, I need to able to get the total of the 1st week data from 1st April to 6th April, excluding 31st May, which is the actual start of the week.




  • 6.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 17, 2014 11:06 AM

    Okay so my requirement has changed slightly:



    Currently the daily report shows as (example):


    Task Name      Resource ID      Task Date      Task Hours

    abc                         123                   4/1                     8.50

    abc                         123                    4/2                     7.50

    abc                         123                   4/3                     8.50

    What I need to do:


    Task Name      Resource ID           Task Date                Task Hours

    abc                     123                        4/1 – 4/30         <Total for the month, for that task, as per the month start and end date entered>

    xyz                     123                        4/1 – 4/30          <Total for the month, for that task, as per the month start and end date entered >

    Can somebody help me modify the 'mp_data_dump_obs_selection_daily.sql' code to achieve the above?

  • 7.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 17, 2014 11:42 AM

    I'm a bit lost about what you are (now) trying to do...


    In your original post you had a problem where your "weekly query" was not breaking out months - this is just because that weekly query is adding up time from timesheets/time-entries and I assume that you are setting up your timeperiods weekly and not breaking them over month-end (in every Clarity system I have seen, there will usually be two timeperiods at month end and so you would not get that problem).


    In your last post you talk about modifying your "daily query" to add up data at month level; I think you have already been given the answer for that (which is "use a different slice") - your code is currently using the 'Daily Timeentry Actuals' slice - so have you tried just changing that line to use one of the monthly slices instead?

  • 8.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 17, 2014 11:45 AM

    Hello Dave...thanks for your response...


    regarding my last post, when I tried using one of the monthly slices, I didnt get any results, is it that I need to configure them?


    Is there any way using Sum function, etc. I can add up the daily totals to display monthly data for a specific user for a specific task?

  • 9.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 17, 2014 11:56 AM

    Yes and Yes!


    You would need to check how your slices are configured - the limit of what data you can display will be dictated by the configuration (which is why personally I would try to use a query that did not rely on the slices, much like your 'weekly query' but I would ensure my timeperiods were set up to not 'confuse' months)


    SUM-ing the daily data to get monthly data is possible of course, but typically daily slices are set up over a much smaller period than a monthly slice, so functionally this would be a rather odd way of going about this (the right functional solution is either to configure the monthly slice to give you the data you need or use the timesheet data (but as I have said 3 times now that is dictated by how you set up your timeperiods).


    (both of these comments are really functional ones rather than technical ones)

  • 10.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 17, 2014 12:21 PM

    David, appreciate your reply.


    I need to check how the time slices are configured in our system. Would be doing that in some time. Regarding the time periods, it is configured from Monday to Sunday (doesn't break over at month end, unless the last day is a Sunday). Hence I don't think I can use that as the requirement is to select specific start and end dates or rather exact monthly start date and exact monthly end date.


    As configuring the monthly time slice may take time, and this requirement needs to be completed urgently, so as a temporary solution, are you aware, how technically I can roll up the daily slices to give the monthly totals. Somehow, using the Sum function is not helping or I am not able to use it correctly. Any ideas?

  • 11.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 17, 2014 12:26 PM

    In SQL you would need to SUM the relevant column and GROUP BY the things you are not summing.

  • 12.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 18, 2014 08:04 AM



    I have modified the code as per the suggestion and also getting the required output too. However, there is a yellow line highlighting my select clause in SQL developer and when I keep my mouse over it, it says 'Select Clause' inconsistent with 'Group By' clause. The query runs fine, but why I am worried is when I copy the modified query to my Actuate report, there I get an error stating 'SQL Command not ended properly.


    Could somebody help me fix what's wrong with my Group By clause? Query copied below.




    SELECT DISTINCT PCF.project_code

                    AS project_id,


                    AS project_name,

                      Decode(PP.status, 0, 'Not Approved',

                                      1, 'Approved',


                    AS project_status,

    Zz_matrix_billrate_sec_fct(pcf.project_id, Zz_rates_fct(nrc.resource_id, pcf.project_id, t.prid, tsh.slice_date, t.prfinish), :gUserID) bill_rate,

    Decode(PCF.is_active, 1, 'Yes',


                    AS project_active,


                    AS Accounting_Unit,


                    AS project_type,

    Decode(CP.mpchargeid, 1, 'Yes',

                          0, 'No',


                    AS chargeable_name,

    PCF.manager_last_name || ' ' || PCF.manager_first_name Project_Manager,












    ' ' AS EmptyField,


    RCF.last_name || ' ' || RCF.first_name AS resource_name,

    RCF.manager_last_name || ' ' || RCF.manager_first_name manager_name,


    AS employment_type,


    AS gendername,

    Decode(RCF.is_active, 1, 'Active',


    AS resource_active,,



                    AS obs_type_name_2,


                    AS level0_name_2,


                    AS level1_name_2,


                    AS level2_name_2,


                    AS level3_name_2,


                    AS level4_name_2,


                    AS level5_name_2,


                    AS level6_name_2,


                    AS level7_name_2,


                    AS level8_name_2,


                    AS level9_name_2,


                    AS TaskName,


                    AS phase_code,


                    AS phase_name,


                    AS task_outline,

    count(TO_CHAR(Tsh.slice_date, 'MON'))/5

                    AS Records,


                    AS Hours,


                    AS charge_code,

    Nvl(mr.targetbillrate, 0)


    Decode(TS.prstatus, 0, 'Unsubmitted',

                        1, 'Submitted',

                        2, 'Rejected',

                        3, 'Approved',

                        4, 'Posted',

                        5, 'Adjusted',

                        'Not Submitted')

                    AS TimeStatus,







    FROM   prj_blb_slicerequests tsr

           join prj_blb_slices tsh

             ON = tsh.slice_request_id

           join prtimeentry TE

             ON tsh.prj_object_id = te.prid

           join prtimesheet TS

             ON TS.prid = TE.prtimesheetid

           join prassignment A

             ON TE.prassignmentid = A.prid

           join prtask T

             ON A.prtaskid = T.prid

           join nbi_project_current_facts PCF

             ON T.prprojectid = PCF.project_id

           join prj_projects PP

             ON PCF.project_id = PP.prid

           join odf_ca_project CP

             ON PCF.project_id =

           left outer join prchargecode CC

                        ON CC.prid = TE.prchargecodeid

           left outer join prtypecode TC

                        ON TC.prid = TE.prtypecodeid

           left outer join nbi_dim_obs OBS1

                        ON OBS1.obs_unit_id = PCF.obs1_unit_id

           left outer join (SELECT gl.object_id,



                            FROM   (SELECT id,



                                    FROM   pac_chg_allocations

                                    WHERE  allocation_type = 'PROJECT_CHARGEBACKS')




                                    FROM   pac_chg_allocs_dates ad

                                    WHERE  ad.from_date <= SYSDATE

                                           AND ( ad.to_date >= SYSDATE

                                                  OR ad.to_date IS NULL )

                                    ORDER  BY ad.allocation_id) gldate,

                                   pac_chg_allocs_details ad,

                                   pac_chg_gl_accounts A

                            WHERE = gldate.allocation_id

                                   AND = ad.allocation_dates_id

                                   AND ad.account_code_id =

                            ORDER  BY gl.object_id) glcode

                        ON PCF.project_id = GLCODE.object_id

           join (SELECT task_id,





                 FROM   cust_phase_rollup_v) task_info

             ON T.prid = task_info.task_id

           join nbi_resource_current_facts RCF

             ON TS.prresourceid = RCF.resource_id

           left outer join pac_mnt_resources mr

                        ON rcf.resource_id =

           left outer join apmaster apm

                        ON mr.vendor_code = apm.vendor_code

           left outer join nbi_dim_obs OBS3

                        ON RCF.obs1_unit_id = OBS3.obs_unit_id

           join odf_ca_resource CR

             ON RCF.resource_id =

           left outer join (SELECT id,


                            FROM   pac_chg_gl_accounts) cost_center

                        ON =

           left outer join mp_res_rates_costs_v nrc

                        ON rcf.resource_id = nrc.resource_id

           left outer join (SELECT principal_id,


                            FROM   srm_contacts

                            WHERE  principal_type = 'RESOURCE') C

                        ON RCF.resource_id = C.principal_id

           left outer join prj_obs_associations oa

                        ON oa.table_name = 'SRM_RESOURCES'

                           AND OA.record_id = RCF.resource_id

           join nbi_dim_obs_flat ofp

             ON oa.unit_id = ofp.child_obs_unit_id

           join nbi_dim_obs_flat ofc

             ON ofp.child_obs_unit_id = ofc.parent_obs_unit_id

           join srm_resources rr

             ON rcf.resource_id =

           join cmn_captions_nls nls

             ON rr.person_type = nls.pk_id

                AND nls.table_name = 'CMN_LOOKUPS'

                AND nls.language_code = 'en'

    WHERE  tsr.request_name = 'Daily Timeentry Actuals'

           AND tsh.slice > 0

           AND ts.prstatus < 5

           AND pcf.project_code = '016166'

           AND tsh.slice_date >= To_date('1-MAY-14')

           AND tsh.slice_date <= To_date('31-MAY-14')

    group by PCF.project_code, PCF.project_name, Decode(PP.status, 0, 'Not Approved', 1, 'Approved', 'Rejected'),

    Zz_matrix_billrate_sec_fct(pcf.project_id, Zz_rates_fct(nrc.resource_id, pcf.project_id, t.prid, tsh.slice_date, t.prfinish), :gUserID),

    Decode(PCF.is_active, 1, 'Yes', 'No'), GLCODE.account_code, CP.prj_type, Decode(CP.mpchargeid, 1, 'Yes', 0, 'No', 'NA'),

    PCF.manager_last_name || ' ' || PCF.manager_first_name, OBS1.obs_type_name, OBS1.level0_name, OBS1.level1_name, OBS1.level2_name,

    OBS1.level3_name, OBS1.level4_name, OBS1.level5_name, OBS1.level6_name, OBS1.level7_name, OBS1.level8_name, OBS1.level9_name, ' ',

    RCF.resource_id, RCF.last_name || ' ' || RCF.first_name, RCF.manager_last_name || ' ' || RCF.manager_first_name,

    rcf.role_name,, CR.gen, Decode(RCF.is_active, 1, 'Active', 'InActive'),, cost_center.account_code,

    OBS3.obs_type_name, OBS3.level0_name, OBS3.level1_name, OBS3.level2_name, OBS3.level3_name, OBS3.level4_name, OBS3.level5_name,

    OBS3.level6_name, OBS3.level7_name, OBS3.level8_name, OBS3.level9_name, T.prname, task_info.phase_code, task_info.phase_name,

    task_info.task_sequence, CC.prname, Nvl(mr.targetbillrate, 0),

    Decode(TS.prstatus, 0, 'Unsubmitted', 1, 'Submitted', 2, 'Rejected', 3, 'Approved', 4, 'Posted', 5, 'Adjusted', 'Not Submitted'),

    TC.prname, apm.address_name, vendor_code

  • 13.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 18, 2014 08:15 AM

    That "yellow line" - that might just be an oddity in SQL*Developer - your GROUP BY clause is quite complex, perhaps it is just confused.  If your SQL runs OK then the database should be happy enough.


    Similarly, the error you are getting in Actuate might just be coincidence - that 'SQL Command not ended properly' error pops up often when you have just mistyped/miscopied something that the SQL parser is not expecting (does Actuate expect a terminating semi-colon right at the end for example? (I don't know the answer to that))




    (Also, whilst I still am not going to try to debug your code, I would suggest that needing a DISTINCT at the start of your SQL means that there is something wrong in the logic of your SQL ; what I mean is, if you have joined all your data correctly then the results should implicitly be 'distinct', if you find you need to add a DISTINCT clause to get rid of 'duplicate rows' then there is probably something wrong in your code.  In short - remove the DISTINCT; does it still give the right results = "all good", if you are now getting duplicate data, check your code)

  • 14.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 18, 2014 08:19 AM

    Thanks David for looking into this.


    Regarding the Distinct clause whether needed or not, I am going to look into the same and get back in some time.


    In the mean-time, just wanted to update that 'Actuate' doesn't expect a semi-colon at the end of the code. In fact if I enter a semi-colon at the end of the code, Actuate throws up an error.

  • 15.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 22, 2014 10:56 AM

    Hi David,


    As per you suggestion, I have removed the distinct column and the query works fine.


    Do you know any way I can add the slice from date and to date columns in the query?




  • 16.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 22, 2014 11:30 AM

    MAX and MIN on the tsh.slice_date would give you this I think?

  • 17.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Sep 22, 2014 12:35 PM

    Thanks David!!! :-)

  • 18.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Posted Oct 01, 2014 07:51 PM



    My issue is still there.


    In the below query if I un-comment the SUM function and the Group by clause, I am getting error as "SQL command not properly ended". Can somebody help me point out what's wrong with the code causing this error.

    I have cross-checked many times but unable to determine the error.

    select PCF.project_code as project_id,  PCF.project_name as project_name, 

    decode(PP.status,0,'Not Approved', 1, 'Approved', 'Rejected') as project_status,

    ZZ_MATRIX_BILLRATE_SEC_FCT(pcf.project_ID,zz_rates_fct(nrc.resource_id,pcf.project_id,t.prid,tsh.slice_date,t.prfinish),:gUserID) bill_rate,

    decode(PCF.is_active, 1, 'Yes', 'No') project_active, 

    GLCODE.account_code as Accounting_Unit, 

    CP.prj_type as project_type, 

    decode(CP.mpchargeid, 1, 'Yes', 0, 'No', 'NA') chargeable_name, 

    PCF.manager_last_name || ' ' || PCF.manager_first_name Project_Manager,

    OBS1.obs_type_name, OBS1.level0_name, OBS1.level1_name, OBS1.level2_name,

    OBS1.level3_name, OBS1.level4_name, OBS1.level5_name, OBS1.level6_name,

    OBS1.level7_name, OBS1.level8_name, OBS1.level9_name,

    ' ' as EmptyField,

    RCF.resource_id, RCF.last_name || ' ' || RCF.first_name as resource_name,

    RCF.manager_last_name || ' ' || RCF.manager_first_name manager_name,

    rcf.role_name, as employment_type,

    CR.gen as gendername,

    decode(RCF.is_active,1,'Active','InActive') as resource_active,, cost_center.account_code,  OBS3.obs_type_name as obs_type_name_2,

    OBS3.level0_name as level0_name_2, OBS3.level1_name as level1_name_2,

    OBS3.level2_name as level2_name_2, OBS3.level3_name as level3_name_2,

    OBS3.level4_name as level4_name_2, OBS3.level5_name as level5_name_2,

    OBS3.level6_name as level6_name_2, OBS3.level7_name as level7_name_2,

    OBS3.level8_name as level8_name_2, OBS3.level9_name as level9_name_2,

    T.prname as TaskName, task_info.phase_code as phase_code,

    task_info.phase_name as phase_name, task_info.task_sequence as task_outline,

    Tsh.slice_date as fact_date,

    /* sum(Tsh.slice/5) Hours, */

    CC.prname as charge_code,

    nvl(mr.targetbillrate,0) target,

    decode(TS.prstatus, 0, 'Unsubmitted', 1, 'Submitted', 2, 'Rejected', 3, 'Approved', 4, 'Posted', 5, 'Adjusted', 'Not Submitted') TimeStatus,

    TC.prname TypeCodeName,

    apm.address_name vendor_code



    from prj_blb_slicerequests tsr

    JOIN prj_blb_slices tsh ON = tsh.slice_request_id

    JOIN prtimeentry TE ON tsh.prj_object_id = te.prid

    JOIN prtimesheet TS ON TS.prid = TE.prtimesheetid

    JOIN prAssignment A ON TE.prassignmentid = A.prid

    JOIN prtask T ON A.prtaskid = T.prid

    JOIN nbi_project_current_facts PCF ON T.prprojectid = PCF.project_id

    JOIN prj_projects PP ON PCF.project_id = PP.prid

    JOIN odf_ca_project CP ON PCF.project_id =

    LEFT OUTER JOIN  prChargecode CC ON CC.prid = TE.prchargecodeid

    LEFT OUTER JOIN prtypecode TC ON  TC.prid = TE.prtypecodeid

    LEFT OUTER JOIN nbi_dim_obs OBS1 ON OBS1.obs_unit_id = PCF.obs1_unit_id 



      LEFT OUTER JOIN (select gl.object_id, A.ACCOUNT_CODE, ad.allocation_percent



           (select, ad.allocation_id

              from pac_chg_allocs_dates ad

             where ad.from_date <= sysdate and (ad.to_date >= sysdate or ad.to_date is null)

            order by ad.allocation_id) gldate,

             pac_chg_allocs_details ad,  PAC_CHG_GL_ACCOUNTS A

            where = gldate.allocation_id

              and = ad.allocation_dates_id

              and ad.ACCOUNT_CODE_ID = A.ID

            order by gl.object_id) glcode ON PCF.project_id = GLCODE.OBJECT_ID



    JOIN (select task_id, phase_code, phase_name, task_name, task_sequence from cust_phase_rollup_v) task_info ON T.prid = task_info.task_id



    JOIN nbi_resource_current_facts RCF ON TS.prresourceid = RCF.resource_id



    LEFT OUTER JOIN   pac_mnt_resources mr ON rcf.resource_id =

    LEFT OUTER JOIN apmaster apm on mr.vendor_code = apm.vendor_code

    LEFT OUTER JOIN  nbi_dim_obs OBS3 ON RCF.obs1_unit_id = OBS3.obs_unit_id

    JOIN odf_ca_resource CR ON   RCF.resource_id =

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (select id, account_code from pac_chg_gl_accounts) cost_center ON  CR.CC =

    LEFT OUTER JOIN  mp_res_rates_costs_v nrc ON  rcf.resource_id = nrc.resource_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (select principal_id, city from srm_contacts where principal_type = 'RESOURCE') C ON RCF.resource_id = C.principal_id


    LEFT OUTER JOIN  prj_obs_associations oa ON  oa.table_name = 'SRM_RESOURCES' and OA.record_id = RCF.resource_id

    JOIN nbi_dim_obs_flat ofp ON oa.unit_id = ofp.child_obs_unit_id

    JOIN nbi_dim_obs_flat ofc ON ofp.child_obs_unit_id = ofc.parent_obs_unit_id

    JOIN srm_resources rr ON rcf.resource_id =

    JOIN cmn_captions_nls nls ON rr.person_type = nls.pk_id AND nls.table_name = 'CMN_LOOKUPS' and nls.language_code = 'en'




      tsr.request_name = 'Daily Timeentry Actuals' and

      tsh.slice > 0 and

      ts.prstatus < 5 AND

    pcf.project_code = '016166'


    group by PCF.project_code, 


    decode(PP.status,0,'Not Approved', 1, 'Approved', 'Rejected'),


    decode(PCF.is_active, 1, 'Yes', 'No'),



    decode(CP.mpchargeid, 1, 'Yes', 0, 'No', 'NA'), 

    PCF.manager_last_name || ' ' || PCF.manager_first_name,













    RCF.last_name || ' ' || RCF.first_name,

    RCF.manager_last_name || ' ' || RCF.manager_first_name,
















    ' ',








    decode(TS.prstatus, 0, 'Unsubmitted', 1, 'Submitted', 2, 'Rejected', 3, 'Approved', 4, 'Posted', 5, 'Adjusted', 'Not Submitted'),


    apm.address_name */

  • 19.  Re: Roll-up daily time slice for specific start and end date

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Oct 01, 2014 08:21 PM

    you can sum up the daily values using the Datamart ISO Standard Calendar Dates.


    in the WHERE clause join the slice data to the calendar data..... something like this.....

    (incomplete code provided)




    , nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.time_key

    , nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.time_label

    , nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.hierarchy_level




        (prj_blb_slices.slice_date >= nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.period_start_date

    and prj_blb_slices.slice_date <= nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.period_end_date )

    and nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.language_code = 'en'

    and nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.hierarchy_level = 'MONTH'

    GROUP BY...

    , nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.time_key

    , nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.time_label

    , nbi_dim_calendar_time_v.hierarchy_level



    I hope this helps out!