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Display a dynamic alarm title for BGP Flap

  • 1.  Display a dynamic alarm title for BGP Flap

    Posted Nov 04, 2019 08:00 AM


    I have a problem to display a dynamic alarm title for BGP Flap. Could any one can help on this

     The requirement is like only specific set of devices only required BGP flap :- I have created a global collection and  created event  rule which is working fine

     But I need to create dynamic event title on the same alarms tile like BGP flap Peer <IP address >

     This is event rule show the in EventDisp for to create the device us member of IWAN_BGP global collection then trigger a critical  alarms but I need to change the critical alarms title(0xfff0004c) on dynamic

     Current Event Rule :-


    0xfff0004c E 0 A 3,0xfff0004c,U

     0x220011 E 30 R CA.EventCondition, "(regexp({a 0x12adb}, {S \"IWAN_BGP\"}))" , "0xfff0004c  -:-"


    For getting the 0xfff0004c alarms with Dynamic Alarms Title I have remove the existing above rule and configure as below but is not working, Could you help on this

    0x220011 E 30 R CA.EventCondition, "(regexp({a 0x12adb}, {S \"IWAN_BGP\"}))" , { H 0xfff0004c },\  



    { H 0x00012b4c },\

    Append( \{ S \"BGP backward transition. Peer router: \" },\

    GetEventVariable( { U 5 } ))))"