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Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

  • 1.  Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Jan 28, 2020 06:10 AM
    I would like a single (Oracle) SQL query I can use to identify executable objects that are not used in any other objects.

    I know I've seen SQL queries for identifying such orphaned objects before, but I can't find these queries. Does anyone have a query that will do the trick?

    Executable objects can appear in many places:
    • Schedule (JSCH) tasks
    • Workflow (JOBP) tasks
    • EXEC VARAs
    • EXECUTE_OBJECT actions in workflow pre- or post-conditions
    • ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT script lines
    • Else execute... actions in various places, e.g., when maximum runtime has been reached.

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Jan 28, 2020 11:01 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Feb 03, 2020 11:29 AM
    Here's an Oracle SQL query that will list object uses by type.
    -- List unused objects.sql
    -- This SQL query will list object uses, or alternatively, list objects that
    -- are not used anywhere in an Automation Engine system.
    -- (c) Copyright 2020 Michael A. Lowry <>
    -- Not includeded:
    -- LOGINs
    -- CONNs
    -- VARAs in other places (prompt set data sources, and MULTI VARAs, etc.)
    -- VARAs in curly-brace-references (a LOT of work, because these can appear in dozens of different fields)

    -- Probably not necessary after switching to case-insensitive REGEX-based comparisons:
    --ALTER SESSION SET NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC; -- Case insenstive matching
    with Bind_Parms as
    (select 100 as Client_Number from DUAL),

    Object_Types as
    (select 'JOBS' as Object_Type, 1 as Exec, 1 as Script, 1 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'JOBF' as Object_Type, 1 as Exec, 1 as Script, 1 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'SCRI' as Object_Type, 1 as Exec, 1 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'JOBP' as Object_Type, 1 as Exec, 1 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'EVNT' as Object_Type, 1 as Exec, 1 as Script, 1 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'JSCH' as Object_Type, 1 as Exec, 1 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'CALL' as Object_Type, 1 as Exec, 0 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'JOBI' as Object_Type, 0 as Exec, 1 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'PRPT' as Object_Type, 0 as Exec, 0 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'SYNC' as Object_Type, 0 as Exec, 0 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'DOCU' as Object_Type, 0 as Exec, 0 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL union all
    select 'FILTER' as Object_Type, 0 as Exec, 0 as Script, 0 as Agent from DUAL

    Workflow_Tasks as
    (select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name,OH_IDnr,JPP_Object,JPP_Lnr,JPP_Row,JPP_Col
    from OH join JPP on OH_Idnr = JPP_OH_Idnr
    where OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and JPP_OType not in ('<START>','<END>','<IF>','<FE>')

    PRPT_Uses as
    (select substr(OH_Parent.OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Parent.OH_Name as Parent_Object, OH_PRPT.OH_Name as PromptSet
    from OPU
    join OH OH_Parent on OPU_OH_Idnr = OH_Parent.OH_Idnr
    join OH OH_PRPT on OPU_Name = OH_PRPT.OH_Name
    where OH_Parent.OH_DeleteFlag = 0

    SYNC_Uses as
    (select substr(OH_Parent.OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Parent.OH_Name as Parent_Object, OH_SYNC.OH_Name as Sync
    from OY
    join OH OH_Parent on OY_OH_Idnr = OH_Parent.OH_Idnr
    join OH OH_SYNC on OY_SyncName = OH_SYNC.OH_Name
    where OH_Parent.OH_DeleteFlag = 0

    FILTER_Uses as
    (select substr(OH_Parent.OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Parent.OH_Name as Parent_Object, OPPF_Lnr, OH_FILTER.OH_Name as Filter
    from OPPF
    join OH OH_Parent on OPPF_OH_Idnr = OH_Parent.OH_Idnr
    join OH OH_FILTER on OPPF_Fltrname = OH_FILTER.OH_Name
    --join OFC on OH_FILTER.OH_Idnr = OFC_OH_Idnr
    --join OFA on OH_FILTER.OH_Idnr = OFA_OH_Idnr
    where OH_Parent.OH_DeleteFlag = 0

    Else_Executes as
    (select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, JPP_Lnr, JPP_WhenExecute as Object_Name, 'JPP_WhenExecute'
    as Usage_Type from OH join JPP on OH_Idnr = JPP_OH_Idnr where OH_DeleteFlag = 0 and JPP_WhenExecute is not null
    union all
    select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, JPP_Lnr, JPP_RExecute as Object_Name, 'JPP_RExecute'
    as Usage_Type from OH join JPP on OH_Idnr = JPP_OH_Idnr where OH_DeleteFlag = 0 and JPP_RExecute is not null
    union all
    select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, JPP_Lnr, JPP_MrtExecute as Object_Name, 'JPP_MrtExecute'
    as Usage_Type from OH join JPP on OH_Idnr = JPP_OH_Idnr where OH_DeleteFlag = 0 and JPP_MrtExecute is not null
    union all
    select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, JPP_Lnr, JPP_TcpExecute as Object_Name, 'JPP_TcpExecute'
    as Usage_Type from OH join JPP on OH_Idnr = JPP_OH_Idnr where OH_DeleteFlag = 0 and JPP_TcpExecute is not null
    union all
    select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, JPP_Lnr, JPP_ExtExecute as Object_Name, 'JPP_ExtExecute'
    as Usage_Type from OH join JPP on OH_Idnr = JPP_OH_Idnr where OH_DeleteFlag = 0 and JPP_ExtExecute is not null

    EXEC_VARAs as
    (select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, OVD_Source, OVD_Execute, OVD_VNameResult
    from OH left join OVD on OH_IDnr = OVD_OH_Idnr
    where OVD_Source = 'EXEC'

    Task_Conditions as
    (select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name,OH_IDnr,JPP_Object,JPP_Lnr,JPP_Row,JPP_Col,
    cast(substr(JPOV_Value,1,3) as VARCHAR2(3))as EXEC_Pfx,
    case when cast(substr(JPOV_Value,1,1) as VARCHAR2(200)) = '{'
    cast(substr(JPOV_Value,2,instr(JPOV_Value,',')-2) as VARCHAR2(200))
    cast(JPOV_Value as VARCHAR2(200))
    end as JPOV_Value_VARCHAR
    from OH, JPP, JPPO, JPOV
    where OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and JPP_OH_Idnr = JPPO_OH_Idnr
    and JPPO_JPP_Lnr = JPP_Lnr
    and JPPO_OH_Idnr = OH_Idnr
    and JPOV_OH_Idnr = OH_Idnr
    and JPOV_JPPO_Lnr = JPPO_Lnr
    and JPPO_Location = JPOV_Location
    --and JPPO_Type = 'A' -- A: Actions C:Conditions
    and JPOV_Type = 'V' -- V: Values?
    and (
    and JPOV_VName = 'XC_P01')
    or (JPPO_CarName in ('USER DEFINED','PUBLISH VALUE') -- PUBLISH VALUE in curly-brace ref.
    and JPOV_VName = 'XC_P02')
    and JPOV_VName = 'XC_P03')
    and cast(JPOV_Value as VARCHAR2(200)) not like '##%'

    INCLUDEs as
    (select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, OH_IDnr, OT_Type, OT_Lnr, OT_Content,
    CAST(REGEXP_SUBSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *(INCLUDE|INC) *([''"]?) *([A-Z0-9\$@_\.#\-]{1,200})\3? *(, ?NOFOUND=IGNORE)? *(!.*)?$',1,1,'i',4) as VARCHAR2(200)) as INCLUDE_FirstArg
    from OH join OT on OH_IDnr = OT_OH_IDnr
    where OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and REGEXP_INSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *(INCLUDE|INC) .*$',1,1,0,'i') <> 0
    order by OH_Name,OT_Lnr

    (select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, OH_IDnr, OT_Type, OT_Lnr, OT_Content,
    CAST(REGEXP_SUBSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *[^E]ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT *\( *([''"]?) *(([A-Z0-9&\$@_\.#\-]{1,200})|(&\$?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$@§#]{0,31})) *\1?[ ,\)].*$',1,1,'i',3) as VARCHAR2(200)) as AUO_FirstArg
    from OH join OT on OH_IDnr = OT_OH_IDnr
    where OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and REGEXP_INSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *[^E]ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT',1,1,0,'i') <> 0
    order by OH_Name,OT_Lnr

    VARA_ForEachSouces as
    (select substr(OH_Parent.OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Parent.OH_Name as ForEach_Workflow, OH_VARA.OH_Name as ForEach_SourceVARA
    from JPPF
    join OH OH_Parent on JPPF_OH_Idnr = OH_Parent.OH_Idnr
    join OH OH_VARA on JPPF_SourceName = OH_VARA.OH_Name
    where OH_Parent.OH_DeleteFlag = 0

    VARA_Script_Functions as
    (select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, OH_IDnr, OT_Type, OT_Lnr, OT_Content,
    CAST(REGEXP_SUBSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *(GET_VAR|PREP_PROCESS_VAR) *\( *([''"]?) *(([A-Z0-9&\$@_\.#\-]{1,200})|(&\$?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$@§#]{0,31})) *\2?[ ,\)].*$',1,1,'i',4) as VARCHAR2(200)) as VARA_Name
    from OH join OT on OH_IDnr = OT_OH_IDnr
    where OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and REGEXP_INSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *(GET_VAR|PREP_PROCESS_VAR) *\(',1,1,0,'i') <> 0
    order by OH_Name,OT_Lnr

    VARA_Script_Commands as
    (select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, OH_IDnr, OT_Type, OT_Lnr, OT_Content,
    CAST(REGEXP_SUBSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *(PUT_VAR|PUT_VAR_COL) *([''"]?) *(([A-Z0-9&\$@_\.#\-]{1,200})|(&\$?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$@§#]{0,31})) *\2?[ ,].*$',1,1,'i',4) as VARCHAR2(200)) as VARA_Name
    from OH join OT on OH_IDnr = OT_OH_IDnr
    where OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and REGEXP_INSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *(PUT_VAR|PUT_VAR_COL) ',1,1,0,'i') <> 0
    order by OH_Name,OT_Lnr

    VARA_Script_RESOLVE as (
    select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, OH_IDnr, OT_Type, OT_Lnr, OT_Content,
    CAST(REGEXP_SUBSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *RESOLVE &\$?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$@§#]{0,31} *= *([''"]?).*\{ *([''"]?) *(([A-Z0-9&\$@_\.#\-]{1,200})|(&\$?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$@§#]{0,31})) *(,.*)? *\2 *} *\1.*$',1,1,'i',4) as VARCHAR2(200)) as VARA_Name
    from OH join OT on OH_IDnr = OT_OH_IDnr
    where OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and REGEXP_INSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *RESOLVE &\$?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$@§#]{0,31} *=.*\{.*\}.*',1,1,0,'i') <> 0
    union all
    select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_Name, OH_IDnr, OT_Type, OT_Lnr, OT_Content,
    CAST(REGEXP_SUBSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *= *RESOLVE_VAR *\( *([''"]?).*\{ *([''"]?) *(([A-Z0-9&\$@_\.#\-]{1,200})|(&\$?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$@§#]{0,31})) *(,.*)? *\2 *}.*\1 *\).*$',1,1,'i',4) as VARCHAR2(200)) as VARA_Name
    from OH join OT on OH_IDnr = OT_OH_IDnr
    where OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    and REGEXP_INSTR(OT_Content,'^(!.*)?: *= *RESOLVE_VAR *\(.*\{.*\}.*\).*',1,1,0,'i') <> 0
    order by OH_Name,OT_Lnr

    Object_Uses as
    (select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, JPP_Object as Used_Object, 'Workflow_Task' as Usage_Type from Workflow_Tasks
    union all
    select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, Object_Name as Used_Object, 'Else Execute' as Usage_Type from Else_Executes
    union all
    select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, OVD_Execute as Used_Object, 'EXEC VARA' as Usage_Type from EXEC_VARAs
    union all
    select Prefix, Parent_Object, PromptSet as Used_Object, 'PRPT' as Usage_Type from PRPT_Uses
    union all
    select Prefix, Parent_Object, Sync as Used_Object, 'SYNC' as Usage_Type from SYNC_Uses
    union all
    select Prefix, Parent_Object, Filter as Used_Object, 'FILTER' as Usage_Type from FILTER_Uses
    union all
    select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, JPOV_Value_VARCHAR as Used_Object, 'Task_Conditions' as Usage_Type from Task_Conditions
    union all
    select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, INCLUDE_FirstArg as Used_Object, 'INCLUDE' as Usage_Type from INCLUDEs
    union all
    select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, AUO_FirstArg as Used_Object, 'ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT' as Usage_Type from ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT_OBJs
    union all
    select Prefix, ForEach_Workflow as Parent_Object, ForEach_SourceVARA as Used_Object, 'ForEach_Source_VARA' as Usage_Type from VARA_ForEachSouces
    union all
    select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, VARA_Name as Used_Object, 'VARA_Script_Function' as Usage_Type from VARA_Script_Functions
    union all
    select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, VARA_Name as Used_Object, 'VARA_Script_Command' as Usage_Type from VARA_Script_Commands
    union all
    select Prefix, OH_Name as Parent_Object, VARA_Name as Used_Object, 'VARA_Script_RESOLVE' as Usage_Type from VARA_Script_RESOLVE

    -- List object uses
    --select * from Object_Uses
    --where 1=1
    --and Prefix = 'UC4'
    --and rownum < 20000
    --order by Prefix, Usage_Type, Parent_Object, Used_Object

    -- List objects with no identifiable uses
    select substr(OH_Name,1,3) as Prefix, OH_OType, OH_Name, OH_Title
    from OH where 1=1
    and OH_IDnr > 100000
    and substr(OH_Name,1,4) = 'UC0.'
    and OH_Client = (select Client_Number from Bind_Parms)
    -- Exclude object types that are not typically used in other objects, or not yet included in Object_Uses
    and OH_OType not in ('LOGIN','CONN','DOCU','JSCH')
    and not exists (select 1 from Object_Uses where Used_Object=OH.OH_Name)
    --and OH_Name not in (select nvl(Used_Object,'NULL') from Object_Uses)
    and OH_DeleteFlag = 0
    --and rownum < 20000
    order by Prefix, OH_OType, OH_Name

    Update 2020.01.29: I added support for :INCLUDE statements and in the process significantly simplified the query by using REGEXP_SUBSTR and REGEXP_INSTR.

    Update 2020.01.30: I added support PRPT, SYNC, and FILTER object references. I also added support for several types of VARA object reference, including ForEach workflow sources and VARA references appearing in scripts. Supported scripting commands/functions are GET_VAR, PREP_PROCESS_VAR, PUT_VARPUT_VAR_COL, :RESOLVE, and RESOLVE_VAR.

    Update 2020.02.03: I updated the query to catch object references/uses in commented-out script lines. I also updated the Task_Conditions CTE to include object references in several types of condition and action.

    (Note: the first three characters of all of our objects names is the so-called prefix. This is just a naming convention. We use these first three characters to identify objects by project. This also facilitates authorization control.)

  • 3.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Jan 28, 2020 01:34 PM
    I checked my SQL library for the word "orphan" and found this one that identifies orphaned promptsets;

    select oh_name, oh_title
    from oh
    where oh_OType = 'PRPT'
    and oh_client = 0100
    and oh_deleteflag = 0
    and not exists (select 1
                    from opu    
    		where opu_name = oh_name);​


  • 4.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Jan 28, 2020 05:54 PM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Jan 29, 2020 03:05 AM
    Thanks, Pete. There are several non-executable object types that can be used in other objects, including JOBI, VARA, and - as in your example - PRPT.  When I get my query working, I will probably add these.

  • 5.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 29, 2020 03:01 AM

    Hi Michael,

    since V12.3, the usage of objects in other objects is also stored in the lucene index.

    So it might be a better approach to either directly read the index (never done that) or go through the Rest API, which accesses the index.

    Just a thought ...
    Cheers, Philipp

    Philipp Elmer
    Enabling Automic Knowledge

  • 6.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Jan 29, 2020 03:05 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Jan 29, 2020 03:12 AM
    That's a good idea. Thanks, @Philipp Elmer. We're still on v12.0 though, so for now I have to rely on SQL.

    It seems like the closest REST API is /{client_id}/objects/{object_name}/usage, but this returns uses for a specified object only. It doesn’t provide bulk data. I don’t see an API that can reveal orphaned/unused objects.

    If the lucene index can be accessed directly, perhaps it would be possible to find the information there.

  • 7.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Jan 29, 2020 11:51 AM
    The other fun thing about analyzing orphan objects, is that some will be orphans by design; for instance a workflow that is only kicked off manually when the customer asks for it.  So it would be useful for the result set to include the last-used timestamp on executable objects, and return "N/A" for non-executable objects.

    Ok, so I have a perverted sense of "fun".  I saw a meme the other day that said the definition of an engineer is someone who gets excited about things that no one else cares about...


  • 8.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Jan 29, 2020 12:34 PM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Jan 29, 2020 12:34 PM
    I got the SQL query working. I also added support for :INCLUDE statements and in the process significantly simplified the query by using REGEXP_SUBSTR and REGEXP_INSTR.

    Note that the regular expression in the ACTIVATE_UC_OBJs CTE is displayed incorrectly in this forum due to a bug in the Higher Logic platform.
    ^:.*[^E]ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT *\( *([''"]?) *(([A-Z0-9\$@_\.#\-]{1,200})|(&\$?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$@§#]{0,31})) *\1?[ ,\)].*$
    The second ampersand (@) should be a chapter symbol.

  • 9.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Jan 30, 2020 09:10 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Jan 30, 2020 10:52 AM
    I added support PRPT, SYNC, and FILTER object references. I also added support for several types of VARA object reference, including ForEach workflow sources and VARA references appearing in scripts. Supported scripting commands/functions are GET_VAR, PREP_PROCESS_VAR, PUT_VARPUT_VAR_COL, :RESOLVE, and RESOLVE_VAR.

    I also fixed a few problems with the sub-queries of Object_Uses that could cause them to return null in Used_Object.

  • 10.  RE: Identifying unused or orphaned executable objects

    Posted Feb 03, 2020 08:57 AM
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry Feb 03, 2020 11:31 AM
    I updated the query to catch object references/uses in commented-out script lines. Now all relevant regexes begin with:
    ^(!.*)?: *
    This means script lines are also matched if they begin with an exclamation point (!) followed by an arbitrary number of any characters and then a colon. So for example, all of these GET_VAR lines would be matched:
    !!!! Disabled !!!! :SET &VarValue# = GET_VAR(UC0.DEFAULTS.VARA_STATIC)

    I also updated the Task_Conditions CTE to include object references in several types of condition and action. This includes curly brace-style VARA object references.