Automic Workload Automation

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Issue with Queue during maintenance, when object has "generate at runtime"

  • 1.  Issue with Queue during maintenance, when object has "generate at runtime"

    Posted Oct 21, 2020 08:45 AM
    Dear Community,

    I have a customer who sets the QUEUE object for any SAP Job in the pre-script with 


    Now, when this job is in a queue, and if the SAP Job has "generate at runtime" set, even if the Queue has been stopped, the job will run and ignore the current status of the queue. 

    Do you think this is a bug in the Software or is this a "feature"? What we see is that before the job starts it has "CLIENT_QUEUE" set, but once it starts it will set the queue to the SAP QUEUE but still it gets executed....

    Thanks for your feedback,