I'm on v12.2.0 of Automation Engine. The agents are v 12.2.4.
Should I try maybe installing an older version of the agents, as below?
Connecting to Oracle RAC is new for us. I was able to connect to a single server, with a single Oracle DB on it, but I cannot connect to the cluster name in the connection object.
I don't have any jobs set up as of yet, because I can't get the CONN working.
Again, I've tried connecting unsuccessfully to "database type = Oracle" and the "server port = clustername:port" so that it references tnsnames.ora and the database name referenced therein.
I've also tried connecting unsuccessfully to "database type = Oracle OCI", with no server port specified and the database name referenced.
Right now the SQL agents, which are installed on the three servers that comprise the cluster are all "type=ORACLE_OCI", but I've tried it with "type=ORACLE" with no success.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2020 12:29 PM
From: Thomas Hollensteiner
Subject: after Upgrade V12.3 Oracle RAC SQL Agent - Jobs fail
if you are on a release before the licence check was removed - this must work as it did for all other customers as well and mentioned here.
did that work ever in your env. or is this something new?
if you enable the PLOG on the JOB what is written there - why is it not connecting?
best regards
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2020 09:04 AM
From: Michele Adamski
Subject: after Upgrade V12.3 Oracle RAC SQL Agent - Jobs fail
Thanks, @Leon Carroll. I've still not gotten it working but am trying a few things.
@Thomas Hollensteiner: If I'm on v12.2.0 of the Automation Engine and v12.2.0 for the SQL agents, and I can TNS ping to the Oracle RAC DB, shouldn't I be unaffected by the bug?
Original Message:
Sent: 02-26-2020 07:15 AM
From: Thomas Hollensteiner
Subject: after Upgrade V12.3 Oracle RAC SQL Agent - Jobs fail
this is a bug and was introduced by removing the LICENCE check within the SQL agent - therefore the parameter 'useOraClient=1' is ignored - for now the workaround is to use ORACLE_OCI as type - once the fix is available the parameter must be used again - and the type must be changed back to ORACLE.
internal bug ticket AE-23202 can be used as a reference for usage with support.
best regards
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2019 03:33 AM
From: Wolfgang Brueckler
Subject: after Upgrade V12.3 Oracle RAC SQL Agent - Jobs fail
Good morning,
after Upgrade from AE11.2.10 to V12.3.GA.HF3 we observed that no SQL jobs were sucessfully running on those (Oracle RAC) agents.
Err message:
2019-11-02 00:12:22 - U02000005 Job 'JOBS.UC4.REORG_DB.SQLEXEC' with RunID '342960657' started.
2019-11-02 00:12:22 - U02012031 The database driver returned the following error message:
2019-11-02 00:12:22 IO Error: Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: "host:port:sid"
2019-11-02 00:12:22 - U02004025 Job-script execution was aborted.
In V11.2.10 they ran fine and there was definitely no change on job content.
SQL Agents were upgraded with new ini file (and values from old inifiles took over), so there was no change as well - at least to my best knowledge....
Any Hints from your side?
many thanks
I know I do NOT really know it!