The attached tool makes it possible to put servers in maintenance mode via a command line tool (via REST API calls)
- list defined calendars
- list servers/devices in maintenance
- add server(s) in existing calendar (with server name)
- define calendar and add servers, with the server name, directly in this new calendar
- put an USM group into maintenance
- list empty calendars
- delete empty calendars
- list expired calendars
- delete expired calendars
- remove servers from maintenance
Doc file is included.
Prereq: this tool uses the webservices_rest package that must be deployed to your UMP server.
All remarks or ideas are very welcome
note: Perl source and compiled version are included
Version 2.2:
- add USM group in maintenance
- add regex selection of robots in maintenance
- delete empty and/or expired calendars (only for MSSQL, if anybody with MySQL skills could translate them?)
- tested and compiled on Centos7 & Windows 2012
Version 2.4:
- UMP/Rest http or https
- add with(nolock) in sql queries
- correct sql query to select USM groups
Version 2.5:
- remove servers from maintenance (in regex format)
- a server that has multiple entries in the discovery tab (mutiple cs_ids) will have all entries added in maintenance
- tested on UIM 9.0.2 windows
Version 2.6:
- option -ir"regex" makes it possible to set devices in maintenance based on the cm_computer_system table. So you can put devices in maintenance that are not a robot.
Version 2.7.1:
- -ly: list expired schedules
- dy: delete expired schedules
- add parameter sql_driver in nimsoft_generic.dat so that its possible to install and reference "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" that is compatible with TLS 1.2
- tested with 9.2.0
Version 2.7.2:
- tested with 20.1
- the parameter verification for regex selection was too strict
Version 2.7.4:
- tested with 20.3.3
- several new parameters are added so you can define recurring schedules
- with the parameter -ap you can select the usage of UIMAPI or the old Rest interface (default uimapi)
#uim #commandline #tool #maintenance #device #calendar #report #perl