DX Unified Infrastructure Management

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  • 1.  Can I display IfOprStatus Up or Down on a Dashboard like the USM does where the metric 1 or 2 is displayed actually as up or down?

    Posted Jan 31, 2019 08:03 AM

    I am wondering if it possible to display in a list on a dashboard just like the Interface tab in the USM for the metrics IfOprStatus and IfAdminStatus as "Up" or D"Down" rather then 1 and 2, see below screenshot:


  • 2.  Re: Can I display IfOprStatus Up or Down on a Dashboard like the USM does where the metric 1 or 2 is displayed actually as up or down?

    Posted Jan 31, 2019 08:17 AM

    Probably yes, Dashboard Designer can help you create a separate dashboard the way you wish

  • 3.  Re: Can I display IfOprStatus Up or Down on a Dashboard like the USM does where the metric 1 or 2 is displayed actually as up or down?

    Posted Jan 31, 2019 09:38 AM

    I am actually trying to do it from a SQL query, however not having much luck so far. Was trying to do it something like this:


    select z.target as interface, y.samplevalue as utilization_in, IF(y.samplevalue=1,"UP","DOWN") as stat from s_Qos_data z
    join s_qos_snapshot y
    on z.table_id = y.table_id
    where z.source = 'ALL-3850.erieinsurance.com' and z.qos = 'QOS_INTERFACE_OPERSTATUSPOLLABLE'


    However I am getting a syntax error

  • 4.  Re: Can I display IfOprStatus Up or Down on a Dashboard like the USM does where the metric 1 or 2 is displayed actually as up or down?

    Posted Feb 01, 2019 06:49 AM

    Working MSSQL query with translation based on value:

    select z.target as interface, y.samplevalue as utilization_in,
    (case when y.samplevalue = '0' then 'Up'
          when y.samplevalue = '1' then 'Down'
          end) as Value
    from s_Qos_data z
    join s_qos_snapshot y
    on z.table_id = y.table_id
    where z.qos = 'QOS_ROBOT_AVAILABILITY'

  • 5.  Re: Can I display IfOprStatus Up or Down on a Dashboard like the USM does where the metric 1 or 2 is displayed actually as up or down?

    Posted Feb 01, 2019 08:05 AM

    Chrlu03 So I use that in my current SQL Statement and it runs however I do not get another column that says value. It works if I just run that piece but when I place it into the full statement then I have an issue. Again it runs and completes however I do not get a column added called value with up or down in it:


    select i.interface, i.interface_oprstatus, gg.bytes_in / 1024 as bytes_in, i.utilization_out, gg.bytes_out / 1024 as bytes_out, i.errors_in, i.errors_out, j.discards_in, j.discards_out from
    (select g.interface, g.interface_oprstatus, g.utilization_out, h.errors_in, h.errors_out from
     (select a.interface, a.interface_oprstatus, b.utilization_out from
     (select z.target as interface, y.samplevalue as interface_oprstatus,
     (case when y.samplevalue = '1' then 'Up'
        when y.samplevalue = '2' then 'Down'
        end) as VALUE
     from s_Qos_data z
     join s_qos_snapshot y
     on z.table_id = y.table_id

     (select x.target as interface, w.samplevalue as utilization_out from s_Qos_data x
     join s_qos_snapshot w
     on x.table_id = w.table_id
     where x.source = 'ALL-3850.erieinsurance.com' and x.qos = 'qos_interface_utilizationout') b
     on a.interface=b.interface ) g


     (select c.interface, c.errors_in, d.errors_out from
     (select v.target as interface, u.samplevalue as errors_in from s_Qos_data v
     join s_qos_snapshot u
     on v.table_id = u.table_id
     where v.source = 'device.erieinsurance.com' and v.qos = 'qos_interface_pcterrorsin') c


     (select t.target as interface, s.samplevalue as errors_out from s_Qos_data t
     join s_qos_snapshot s
     on t.table_id = s.table_id
     where t.source = 'device.erieinsurance.com' and t.qos = 'qos_interface_pcterrorsout') d
     on c.interface=d.interface) h

    on g.interface=h.interface) i


     (select e.interface, e.discards_in, f.discards_out from
     (select p.target as interface, o.samplevalue as discards_in from s_Qos_data p
     join s_qos_snapshot o
     on o.table_id = p.table_id
     where p.source = 'device.erieinsurance.com' and p.qos = 'qos_interface_pctdiscardsin') e


     (select n.target as interface, m.samplevalue as discards_out from s_Qos_data n
     join s_qos_snapshot m
     on n.table_id = m.table_id
     where n.source = 'device.erieinsurance.com' and n.qos = 'qos_interface_pctdiscardsout') f
     on e.interface=f.interface) j

    on i.interface=j.interface


     (select cc.interface, cc.bytes_in, ff.bytes_out from
     (select aa.target as interface, bb.samplevalue as bytes_in from s_Qos_data aa
     join s_qos_snapshot bb
     on bb.table_id = aa.table_id
     where aa.source = 'device.erieinsurance.com' and aa.qos = 'qos_interface_bitsin') cc


     (select dd.target as interface, ee.samplevalue as bytes_out from s_Qos_data dd
     join s_qos_snapshot ee
     on dd.table_id = ee.table_id
     where dd.source = 'device.erieinsurance.com' and dd.qos = 'qos_interface_bitsout') ff
     on ff.interface=cc.interface) gg

    on j.interface=gg.interface

  • 6.  Re: Can I display IfOprStatus Up or Down on a Dashboard like the USM does where the metric 1 or 2 is displayed actually as up or down?

    Posted Feb 04, 2019 08:40 AM

    Chrlu03 I actually got that working. Thanks for the help. The issue was the order I had the case statements in is all. So that worked.