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RESTMon Probe has been made available on DXI IM SaaS

  • 1.  RESTMon Probe has been made available on DXI IM SaaS

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 29, 2018 12:15 PM

    Finally much awaited RESTMon Probe has been made available on DXI IM SaaS. 
    You can now monitor technologies or devices (Physical/Virtual) capable of sharing monitoring data of the REST APIs. Once configured, you can define the metrics, alarms, and can populate CABI dashboards for the monitored devices like any other monitoring probe.


    Documentation : https://docops.ca.com/infrastructure-management-digital-experience-insights-from-ca/ga/en/integrating-other-products/monitor-technologies-using-restmon


     Blog : https://www.ca.com/en/blog-itom/adopt-technologies-faster-generic-rest-api-based-monitoring-%E2%80%8B.html


    Please go ahead to explore and share the same with the user base. 


    RESTMon Probe shall be released as part of upcoming ON-Prem UIM GA release as well.

    dutsu06 sensu04