DX Unified Infrastructure Management

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  • 1.  A lua workaround to keep the distsrv from falling over

    Posted Mar 20, 2010 01:13 AM
    I've had repeated issues with the deployment of hundreds of packages using the Distribution Server. The target distsrv, and the master distsrv forwarding requests would get stuck, and would no longer process requests. So I wrote this. Sleeping for 5 seconds keeps the distsrv from getting overwhelmed.

    I have an environment where I can define a regex for device type which is captured in the robot name. Modify for your needs.

    master = "/Your/Master/Hub"
    hubs = nimbus.request(master, "gethubs")

    robotname_regex = ".*hubregex.*/robotnameregex.*"
    requestpds = pds.create()
    pds.putString(requestpds, "package", "some_package_to_distribute")

    for hubindex,hub in pairs(hubs.hublist) do
      robots = nimbus.request(hub.addr, "getrobots")
      for robotindex,robot in pairs(robots.robotlist) do
        if string.match(robot.addr, robotname_regex) ~= nil then
          ret, rc = nimbus.request(robot.addr, "inst_request", requestpds)
          if (rc == nil or rc ~= 0) then
            print ("There was an error with inst_request")

    pds.delete (requestpds)

  • 2.  A lua workaround to keep the distsrv from falling over

    Posted Mar 24, 2010 06:07 AM
    Awesome idea. The distsrv has been driving me nuts with this bad behavior for ages.