Test Data Manager

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 Is it possible to ignore a field when generating data?

William Bartczak's profile image
William Bartczak posted Nov 03, 2021 02:21 PM
Hi everyone,

Is it possible to omit a certain field in the published result of a generator? I don't mean assign it the value null or '', but litterally have it removed from the insertion script. Some of our databases use computed fields that throw an error when included in an insert line, and I'm trying to see if TDM is able to handle these in any way, or if the scripts have to be remodified afterwards by hand

Basically what I'm asking is for a table "T" with fields "a", "b" and "c", is it possible to have an insertion script generated by TDM which gives

INSERT INTO T (a, b) VALUES (1, 2) --c here is entirely omitted
Scott Schmitz's profile image
Broadcom Employee Scott Schmitz
In Datamaker, select the Project/Version folder.   
Right-Mouse & select "Actions for Registered Objects"
Right-Mouse on table "T" & select "Maintain Table"
Identify the row for field "c", scroll to the right to the Exclude column, use the pull-down selector and choose ALL.
Save changes (blue diskette icon).