Automic Workload Automation

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 HOSTG set with next listed not "round robining" for multiple objects executed a the same time

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Larry Halseth posted Feb 26, 2021 04:12 PM
I have a JOBP with 20 JOBP that kick off in parallel and the objects within those 20 use a HOSTG (set to Next , Any, or Workload dependent) with 2 servers. When the parent plan is executed all of the steps get the same server, regardless of the HOSTG setting. The parent plan does not have assign same agent set, the parallel plans do. We are on v12.1.5 (upgrading to 12.3 in a few months). If I kick off objects in serial the HOSTG behaves as expected. If we set the parallel plans to not have assign agent set then the objects move around but we want all objects in each plan to use the same agent.

Has anyone experienced this, and if so how did you overcome it? OR, does anyone have suggestions? I could see introducing some sort of wait between starts or some scripting to pass the agent thorough from the first object, but that shouldn't be required.