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 Regular expressions in Spectrum Watches

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Miroslav posted Jan 14, 2021 12:17 PM
we are monitoring VeloCloud SD-WAN devices with Spectrum. We are trying to setup monitoring for Latency, Jitter and PacketLoss for specific vcePaths with the Spectrum Waches Editor. Since Spectrum 20.2.5/, VeloCloud devices are certified for Spectrum, so the VeloCloud specific MIB objects containing the source metrics are available. The basic setup works as expected, but in our usage scenario, we have hit a logical filtering setup problem, because according to our understanding, the Spectrum Watches Editor does not support the usage of regular expressions in the Expression tab (there is no primitive defined, that enables you to perform a RegEx match).

Can anyone share an idea, how we can perform regular expression matching (how to form the expression) on a string value/list from the attribute vcePathPeerName?
Attribute details:
vcePathPeerName 0x6d9004c Text String[] R E

Example (instance and pathpeer names randomized to protect customer) vcePathPeerName values (list): abc22-bca2 dcg350-jkl4 sk-tom-smthg-vch-01 de-dui-blk-vce-01 br-tkj-vch-01

The aim is to identify the instance(s), which contains the substring "-vch" (row 3 and 5 in this case) in the vcePathPeerName. The output type of the watch has to be boolean, because the specific instance(s) matching the condition will then be used in additional watches.

We are currently trying to setup a workaround for the missing regular expressions functionality in the watches, by matching against the field length of the vcePathPeerName attribute, but the length of the peer name cannot always be controlled, therefore using the regular expression filter would be a better approach.