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Community Member Spotlight - Amaranatha Reddy Juturu [Nov. 2015]

By Chris_Stallone posted Nov 16, 2015 09:55 AM


Once a month we'll shine our virtual spotlight on one of the CA Harvest community's members. It's just a fun, easy way for us to get to know one another a little bit beyond our work-related interactions here on the site. This month, we're featuring Amaranatha Reddy Juturu.


Location:  Hyderabad, India.

Current Gig:  Software Engineer at CA Technologies.

One word that describes how you work: Dedicated


How do you use CA Communities and any suggestions for others?

This is a great place to share knowledge about product and get know about product features usage via monthly webinars and Tue-Tips/Tech-tips. I post ideas which can help customers to solve their pain points. I subscribed to this community so whenever I get email notification I try my level best to give answers/suggestions.


Mobile Device? Sony Xperia


Apps/software/tools you can’t live without?

SQL Developer, Notepad++, Ultra Edit and 7-Zip (The best compression tool I used so far).

Any.do mobile app.


Besides your phone and computer, what's your favorite item?

Book and Pen.


What’s your daily work space like?

Cubical with 3 Amazing Senior Engineers. Sometimes we do swap our places to work together and crack jokes on each other. I can simply stand and enjoy the green campus view from the glass window.


How do you balance life/work?

Plan and rank daily tasks. Hanging out with family and friends.


Best advice you can give and you have received?

Love your life/work. Have smile on your face always.


What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else?
