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Actions for ITSM Strategy Owners for App Economy Success

By Rob_Zuurdeeg posted Mar 13, 2017 04:01 PM


The Digital Transformation of Information in the Application Economy

The end goal isn’t deploying apps—it’s successfully executing a business strategy. Traditionally, after an enterprise defines its strategy, the IT organization delivers an information lifecycle that meets business needs: an effective infrastructure (especially apps) and information and services that will meet strategic milestones.

The information lifecycle design needs to cover all aspects of the service, notably:

  • An app that supports business requirements and the app’s design lifecycle, which is its complete lifetime, from conception to decommissioning.
  • Information to feed the app, which generates additional information. The information lifecycle is the process of planning, harvesting, organizing, retrieving, using, securing, distributing, changing and disposing of information.
  • A data management lifecycle, which organizes data into tiers based on data criticality, cost and speed. Policies help automate data migration between tiers.


You may be thinking, “We have a well-thought-out IT service management (ITSM) strategy supported by ITIL 2011. Doesn’t that cover the business strategy and information lifecycle strategy?”

As mentioned in our previous post , the lessons of the past don’t always apply in the application economy.

The ITSM strategy differs from business and information lifecycle strategies in that most infrastructure services support the business of IT, not the larger enterprise, which demands effective processing of information captured by applications. Companies that leverage this difference are industry leaders.  

A key way that the app economy has changed ITIL and the information lifecycle is that managing information is key to delivering successful apps. As a result, ITSM strategy owners need to actively identify and develop new business services.

Because enterprises rely on IT operations, failure to involve IT from the get-go yields inadequate support of the services/apps in use or—worse—major roadblocks when testing reveals that the service/app doesn’t support business strategy.

ITSM strategy owners who want to lead their companies to app economy success need to ensure that their business unit counterparts are aware of IT infrastructure capabilities and the impact of changes to the information lifecycle.

Next steps

Next time we’ll talk about data capture and its challenges: privacy, optimization, cost, compliance, and big data. Until then, let us know how you have adapted the information lifecycle to meet your app economy needs.

