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Rally Office Hours Recap - September 8, 2022

By Michael Lentini posted Oct 03, 2022 09:52 AM


Rally Office Hours September 8, 2022 Recap

As a follow-up from our September 8, Rally Office Hours session, we’d like to share some highlights in addition to the questions that were asked, along with their respective answers. 

Thank you to all who joined us live. We appreciate your feedback and participation in the last session and are looking forward to our next one. If you were not able to attend, there is always an opportunity to ask questions here on the Rally Community discussion board and we'll do our best to answer. 

Join us every Thursday, at 12 PM ET (register for upcoming sessions). We look forward to connecting with you!

September 8, Session Recap

Q: We at Ford is also having a similar problem with Work Rules but we would like to know where the is the Rule invoked. Reason for asking is because Warning do not appear if we break the rule while inside the User Story

A: Product Management confirmed on the call that there is a known issue where QDP (quick details page) is not forcing the work rules. Engineering is working this defect.

Q: On the Timeline, when I select Show All Dependencies, I am unable to view dependencies.  I expect to see a line connecting dependent portfolio items.

A: We walked through how to use the Show All for dependencies in the Timelines view and it looks like it's working fine. Please note that if you're using a filter and if your dependent work item is excluded by the filter, then the line will not show up, unless you remove the filter.  Customer shared his screen and we got this to work.

Q: Can you describe how the rank dependencies work. I have an issue with prioritizing features in a list and it changes the order within an Initiative children view.

A: Ranking is a global mechanism, so ranking for features (for example) will rank all features. The customer was confused because if they're using the Portfolio Items page and filtering some features, then rerank within the filtered results page, then the effect is global. This is indeed true. The ranking is global, not dependent on the filter you're using. So, for example if you have a list of 100 features all ranked. Then, you're filtering them and have only 3 features in your screen those which were ranked 17, 75, 86 (for example). Then you rerank the 86 to be above the 17 (in the filtered view) this will effect the global ranking and 86 will now become 17, and the original 17 will be pushed down to 18. 

Q: Is one of the scheduled enhancements to the work rules to allow rules against custom fields?  I would like to set a rule that when a story is moved to the In-Progress field that a custom field is populated at that time.

A: Custom fields are included in the Show List of fields selectable by a work rule. However, make sure that if the rule is scoped for the workspace then the custom fields are scoped to the workspace.

