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Rally Office Hours Recap - May 26, 2022

By Michael Lentini posted May 31, 2022 08:11 PM


Rally Office Hours May 26, 2022 Recap

As a follow-up from our May 26, Rally Office Hours session, we’d like to share some highlights in addition to the questions that were asked, along with their respective answers. 

Thank you to all who joined us live. We appreciate your feedback and participation in the last session and are looking forward to our next one. If you were not able to attend, there is always an opportunity to ask questions here on the Rally Community discussion board and we'll do our best to answer. 

Join us every Thursday, at 12 PM ET (register for upcoming sessions). We look forward to connecting with you!

May 26, Session Recap

Q: Work Rules - will this feature eventually be something that can be "scoped" in the heirarchy so that different GROUPS within the workspace can have different rules ?

A: Yes. Work Rules will have the ability to belong to a project only, not the entire workspace. They will also support the ability to cascade to their children's project hierarchy.

Q: Dependencies - Is there a way to reduce the dependencies at the story level? Can we weed out Team A to Team A story dependencies and only show Team A to Team B - so cross team dependencies?

A: This works to show stories in the current project that have predecessors in a project other than the currently-scoped project:    ((Predecessors.ObjectID != null) AND (Predecessors.Project.Name != {projectName}))

Q: I had brought up the question earlier about how to capture Objectives and I was told to use Themes field in Iteration timebox. We later found Milestones could be a better place. Is there something that we should be aware of if we plan on going down this route of using Milestones to capture Objectives

A: The PI objectives are best captured in the Theme field of the corresponding Release of that PI.   Additionally, and regardless, we are in a limited/closed Beta for OKR (Objective Key Results), that's a separate feature that allows capturing objectives per individual portfolio items such as features. This is expected to become an open-beta in the near term.

Q: I have a question on Capacity Planning.  Where does the value for Group Estimate Rollup come from?

A: The Group Estimates will come from using the 'Allocate' option on the Feature during Capacity Planning and providing the estimate for another team.

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