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GameStop Makes Smarter Decisions with Better Project Data

By Haylee_Thikeo posted Aug 18, 2016 06:18 PM



GameStop is a family of specialty retail brands that makes the most popular technologies affordable and simple. As a global retailer of multichannel video game, pop culture collectibles, consumer electronics and wireless services, GameStop operates more than 6,000 stores in 14 countries across the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe.



Project management was a paper-orientated, cumbersome process. With no visibility of real-time budget tracking or way to measure success, the company’s executives were in the dark. They needed accurate data to manage large-scale projects effectively.



CA Project & Portfolio Management gives GameStop a single view of their project data, helping them use their IT budget more wisely and better supporting the business.



Today, approximately 500 employees and contractors use CA Project & Portfolio Management, for both internal projects and to manage third party resources. With CA Project & Portfolio Management, GameStop can track the man-hours contributing to each project, view the projected costs and manage budgets and forecasts in real time.


Read the full story here: GameStop Makes Smarter Decisions with Better Project Data - CA Technologies

