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Community Member Spotlight: Kristen Malzone [January 2016]

By Chris_Stallone posted Jan 07, 2016 12:09 PM


Once a month we'll shine our virtual spotlight on one of the CA Payment Security community's members. It's just a fun, easy way for us to get to know one another a little bit beyond our work-related interactions here on the site. This month, we're featuring kristen.malzone



Location: USA - Islandia, NY

Current Gig: Lead Community Manager for CA Payment Security CA Security & CA API Management Community

One word that describes how you work: I'm scrappy!


How do you use CA Communities and any suggestions for others?

I love connecting with people, learning more about their professional role and how community engagement helps them. I recommend attending Office Hours and looking for #TechTips in your community.


Mac or PC? 

Mac for home, PC for work


Mobile Device?

iPhone 6


Apps/software/tools you can’t live without?

Waze, Spotify, Netflix, AtHome (to watch my puppy while I'm at work), Yelp and Snapchat


Besides your phone and computer, what's your favorite item?

my Nespresso Machine


What’s your daily work space like?

a little messy (I'm scrappy!), but it has character


How do you balance life/work?

It's super easy to balance life and work at CA. This company really respects our personal time. Communities are open 24/7, but it's really easy to put my laptop down and then come back to it on my own time. I enjoy what I do, so it doesn't feel like work.


Best advice you can give and you have received?

My dad always has told me my entire life "You can do or be whatever you want as long as you don't hurt yourself or anyone else." And, I think it's really true. You can do whatever you put your mind to as long as you don't hurt others along the way.

The best advice I can give is "Everything happens for a reason." I know it's so cliche, but life has its ups and downs. There's a reason we experience the struggles and successes of our lives. Remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel!


What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else?

I make a mean batch of chocolate chip cookies.

