DX Unified Infrastructure Management

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Probe of Things - A Custom Probe That Does Things

By BryanKMorrow posted Jul 22, 2016 10:43 AM


The function of this probe will be to provide a UIM administrator with small callback utilities to make the management of the UIM infrastructure a little easier. This probe will be under constant development with new utilities being added regularly. If you have suggestions for new automated utilities or feedback on the current state, please post in the comments of this post.



PLEASE NOTE: When using the automation_device_wiper callback with the delete_qos option enabled, this will perform a delete on all of the Raw and Summary tables, this could lead to significant load on the database server and possibly some deadlocks.


Probe New Features
This probe is a collection of useful callback utilities to help a UIM administrator manage their system. You can accomplish the following tasks currently with this probe:


NEW: First attempt at a UIM topology map (hubs with large robot counts won't work OOTB currently, still working on the dynamic sizing).
UPDATED: HTML 5 Report for top probes in use , now supports a top_n parameter to adjust the default of 15

UPDATED: MYSQL connectivity when special characters are used should now be fixed.

Probe Existing Features
• Encrypt passwords for profile usage in almost all current probes
• Update the interface alias for a specified device->interface (Usually only available in USM)
• Reset a probe’s security on a specified robot
• Retrieve a list of source->targets where data has not been received in a specific time frame
• Remove a device or list of devices from discovery with an option to delete QOS

• Delete QOS by providing a list of targets
• Clean niscache of provided list of robot names
• Generate HTML Reports for the following: License Pack Counts, UIM Users, Account Contacts, Hub Subscribers, CDM/Processes/NTServices Thresholds.

      Threshold reports can now take a USM Group Name parameter. NOTE: Needs to be child group that contains                 devices
• Generate HTML Report for UMP database health. Based on TechDoc http://search.ca.com/assets/SiteAssets/TEC1405477_External/UMPUSMSlowPerformanceGuideandTroubleshootingChecklist1.1.pdf
• Manually configure probes by providing the following information: probe name, section, key and value. Can provide a       comma-separated list of robots. Multi-threaded
• Modify single probe configuration by providing JSON
• Collect and ZIP a probe’s log files and configuration files. Could be used for support.
• Collect thresholding information based on configured probe profiles, multi-threaded (This is the migration of the     threshold_archive probe that is currently on the Communities). Multi-threaded

      Can now be limited by providing a hublist parameter. Hub name, not hub address is required.
• Generate HTML SVG report of VMware topology. This features uses the Vsphere API to collect parent-child relationships for your infrastructure. It ‘should’ generate one HTML page for each configured resource for each vmware probe instance. Multi-threaded.
      o NOTE: This connects to vSphere directly so the probe will need to be on the same physical network as the Vcenter          or ESX host. The vmware probe doesn’t collect the needed attributes out of the box, so that is why it connects                  directly to vSphere.
• Retrieve list of current USM Groups (Will be needed for future USM group creation feature)




• Create USM groups from JSON
• Store data in H2 database for license usage over time
• Improve configuration archive and diff reports (configuration_archive functionality)
• Add more probe threshold reports (logmon)
• Improve probe configuration through JSON to support multiple robots and probes
• Continue testing the VMware topology feature









July 22nd, 2016


Initial Draft

July 22nd, 2016


Added devices_with_no_data

July 25th, 2016


Devices with no data always creates a CSV, no matter the size. Initial merge of healthcheck probe with just list_subscribers creating a CSV.

July 28th, 2016


Added automation_device_wiper callback

September 9th, 2016


Removed decrypt password option, added list_accounts/users, can now provide a CSV list of devices for removal

October 4th, 2016


Added ability to manually configure probe configurations and new licensing report.

October 26th, 2016


Added niscache_clean, modify probe configurations from json, UMP/database health report, threshold gathering and reporting and vmware topology

November 8th, 2016


Added support file retrieval and processes/ntservices threshold reports

November 21st, 2016


Delete QOS by target, inactive probe report and added filtering for threshold gathering and reporting

December 7th, 2016


Top probe usage reports, configuration_archive custom probe integration

January 3rd, 2017


mysql connectivity fixed, added uim topology map, top_n parameter to top_probes report

