We’re coding software faster than ever before. A recent survey showed 85 percent of developers use Agile methodologies. Another 75 percent of coders expect new coworkers to be productive in less than three months, with a third saying it should take less than a month. Continuous delivery is thus becoming more real every day, as organizations look for new and innovative ways to improve speed without compromising quality or cost.
The days when organizations could just ask employees to work harder are long gone – or mostly gone – the focus now is on working smarter. From no-code to low-code, IT departments around the world have tried to squeeze efficiency out of all kinds of innovative technologies.
Yet there's a more fundamental, and far simpler, way of working smarter.
Just improve the way software development is integrated into the rest of the organization – not from a technical standpoint, but from a business and cultural perspective.
Traditional agile development focuses on software that delights customers, and that’s good. But it's far more important to develop solutions that delight both customers and your own organization. You need a solid foundation, a loyal team, to keep customers happy. You need to understand not just what customers want, but what your organization wants, why it wants it, and how it supports the business.
Give your teams that context, and they’ll give you better solutions all round.