If you don't have a site ID, you can use this form https://broadcomcms-software.wolkenservicedesk.com/web-form
VCF Certification Team - I can help with questions about exams and certifications!
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 23, 2024 09:43 AM
From: Marcus Sanders
Subject: How can I get support to add my certs to my broadcom account
I was able to get my issue resolved. I called the support number and let them know I did not have case number or site Id which is said to be required. It turns out I had 3 different accounts. The account that had my certs was the same email I used on the vmLearning portal.
I hope this will help you!
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 23, 2024 05:06 AM
From: Igor Yurchyk
Subject: How can I get support to add my certs to my broadcom account
I have the same issue and can't get an support too already more than 3 month...
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 10, 2024 06:12 PM
From: Marcus Sanders
Subject: How can I get support to add my certs to my broadcom account
I am not sure of why my certs didn't port over from the old vmware mylearn profile, but my Brodcom does not have either of my certifications or history. I cannot request support. Who offers administrative support and why is it so hard to request it? FYI, I am using this link Certmetrics Candidate Portal
Certmetrics | remove preview |
and none of my certifications are there.