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 VMWare download page appears to be completely dead - issues thousands of react errors

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grantcurell posted Oct 29, 2024 03:04 PM

I've tried on Edge and Brave and I get the same behavior in both. As a prior frontend dev, this is an error I'm very much familiar with and it means what it says. There is a duplicate key. Now I don't know what NaNStatus is, but just based on NaN it seems that someone probably tried to do something like

<tr key={`${someValue}`}>

but someValue wasn't defined. Unfortunately, it is something that is triggering React's render cycle so the page just rerenders thousands of times which causes the webpage to crash.

Steps to Repro:

  1. Go to the downloads page
  2. Swap it to VMWare Cloud Foundation software - it does this. Just leave the inspect tab open on console and my console log immediately gets blasted with errors.