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Log Analyzer (PLA) – Subsequent Updates option DML Reporting feature

  • 1.  Log Analyzer (PLA) – Subsequent Updates option DML Reporting feature

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 06, 2022 05:22 PM
    Log Analyzer offers many DML Reporting options, some of which are less well known or infrequently used. One such option is the DML Subsequent Update report option, despite its providing essential information for certain use cases.  When this option is activated, an additional report is generated on updates following the selected reporting range for the same rows reported in the main DML Report.     This information can be essential when a user decides to Undo activity in the reporting range. This is a common use case and the DML Subsequent Update report may reveal that an Undo would be invalid or simply impossible.
    What's new?
    With the PTF LU07065 the Subsequent Updates option provides:
    ·         A report of changes to rows updated during the reporting range.
    ·         Summary counts of those changes.
    ·         If Redo or Undo output format is selected, a message is printed in the SQL that indicates the number of subsequent transactions.
    What's coming?
    We are considering adding the ability to generate Redo and Undo SQL for the updates in the DML Subsequent Update report. Users would then be able to get all of the SQL needed to Undo an unwanted transaction or the SQL needed to Redo all the subsequent changes. Obviously, that might not always be possible. 

    How to activate the option

    A sample of generated SQL

    A sample Subsequent Updates report