SYSVIEW Performance Management

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  • 1.  How to list all programs that accessed a certain file in CICS?

    Posted May 12, 2023 02:34 PM

    We are conducting a survey of all programs that access a given file.

    The commands that displayed the closest to what we need were CFILEUSE, which shows FILEMANE and TRANSACTION, but does not show PROGRAM; and the CPROGUSE command which shows the TRANSACTION and the PROGRAM, but does not show the FILENAME.

    If there was some way to extract the HISTORICAL information that CFILEUSE shows, it would already help us, but the information shown on this screen is dynamic and changes at all times.

    Is there another way to get this information? Can anyone help?

  • 2.  RE: How to list all programs that accessed a certain file in CICS?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 12, 2023 04:15 PM

    The CFILEREQ command shows Filename, Transaction, and Program.

  • 3.  RE: How to list all programs that accessed a certain file in CICS?

    Posted May 15, 2023 07:04 AM

    OK. My SYSVIEW does not display any information for the command, I believe that my installation is missing some customization.

  • 4.  RE: How to list all programs that accessed a certain file in CICS?
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 15, 2023 07:49 AM

    The SYSVIEW command CFILEREQ requires data collection to be active for files at the transaction level.

    The following SYSVIEW for CICS options are required to be active:
    Parmlib Member: SVWCOPTS

    Option                                   Value
    TRANSACTION-DATA                         Yes  

    The above options can be viewed or modified using the CCONFIG command. Any real-time changes are for the life of the CICS region. The SVWCOPTS parmlib member needs to be updated.

    Todd J. Gagle
    Software Architect
    Broadcom Software, Team SYSVIEW