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How to delete events from servers Symantec DLP 14.01

  • 1.  How to delete events from servers Symantec DLP 14.01

    Posted Jan 26, 2017 12:30 PM
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    Hello everyone,

    I would like to please help me with a doubt that I have, I want to delete the Events from the servers and as such from the console can not, I was investigating and I did not find the procedure, the only thing I found is that in the Enforce Host Server on route:
    E: \ SymantecDLP \ Protect \ tools \ sql
    Come a few .sql scripts
    Someone has performed this procedure or where I can consult to perform this procedure.
    Attached 2 screenshots.

    Thank you very much for your attention.



  • 2.  RE: How to delete events from servers Symantec DLP 14.01

    Trusted Advisor
    Posted Jan 27, 2017 05:23 AM


     I never saw any official procedure for this script (as far as i know it is only official way to clean server events). You must execute this script using your usual tool (sqlplus , dbexplorer, ......) .


    below feedback available on support site:

    ClearSystemEvents.sql - This will clear all records from the systemevents table.  Systemevents table is used as a log by DLP to record system events for troubleshooting.  There is no ongoing provision for periodically clearing out this table.  It will grow and grow and grow.

