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Workspace ONE Auto Tagging v1.1 

Jun 10, 2019 09:32 AM

This script tries to cover the missing capability of Workspace ONE UEM to create Smart/Assignment Groups based on Hardware Vendor or Chassis Type. These Smart Groups are then used to deploy Vendor-specific tools (like Dell Command Suite) or Device type-specific Software (eg. VPN Software to all Laptops).

I created and already used this script for different projects to solve this limitation. Please run it first with $allow_tagging = $false to check if everything is working fine, then you can set $allow_tagging = $true to actually start Auto-Tagging. Create a Scheduled Task to run the script, for example, every 5 minutes if you want to have permanent Auto-Tagging.

Added two new switches in v1.1 to allow

  1. Automatically create missing Tags in Workspace ONE UEM
  2. Tag devices according to their Model information (eg. to target specific software like Drivers or BIOS Updates)


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1 Files
ps1 file
WorkspaceONE_Auto_Tagging_v1.ps1   12 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Apr 09, 2024

Tags and Keywords


Nov 25, 2020 07:55 PM

where do I run this script and how do I verify if it's working in the console?
Thank you.

Jun 30, 2020 10:23 AM

Hi Alex,
Many thanks for pointing this out and voting on MSFTI-I-116.

Jun 10, 2019 09:40 AM

Many thanks to @JosueNegron for your plenty valuable Code Samples which made it easy to understand and learn how to interact with the WS1 REST API.

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