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VM Rightsizing Details Dashboard for vRealize Operations 8.2 and Cloud 

Jan 15, 2020 03:16 PM


VM Rightsizing Details Dashboard for vRealize Operations 8.2, and Cloud

Use this vRealize Operations dashboard to expore rightsizing recommendations. This dashboard will help answer these questions.

  • How does vROps determine the recommended size for a VM?
  • Which VMs are oversized?
  • Which VMs are undersized?
  • How do I justify the recommendation to the VM owner?
  • What is the potential change to capacity if the VMs are rightsized?
  • What is the potential change to VM cost if the VMs are rightsized?

More detailed description of Rightsizing with vRealize Operations is available here.




  1. Import the super metrics at Administration / Configuration / Super Metrics / Import Super Metric
    Import Super Metric
  2. Click Browse... then select the file named Supermetrics.json
  3. For each Super Metric listed in the Super Metrics section, click on the vertical kebab and select edit.
    Policy Metrics
  4. Enable the Super Metric for each Policy shown in the Enable in a Policy stage of the wizard. Policy Library
  5. Repeat the previous 2 steps for the remaining Super Metrics listed in the Super Metrics section.
  6. Import the view at Dashboards / Views / Import...
    Import View
  7. Click Browse... then select the file named
  8. The included views are listed in the Views section
  9. Import the dashboard at Dashboards / Actions / Manage Dashboards / Import Dashboards
    Import Dashboard
  10. Click Browse... then select the file named
  11. The dashboard should now be available in in the dashboard list
    Dashboard List
  12. The included dashboards are listed in the Dashboards section


Dashboard Name Dashboard Path
VM Rightsizing Details Shared Dashboards (GBrandon)/Capacity


View Name Name on Dashboard View Type
Rightsizing | Conservative Diagram Rightsizing - Conservative Image
Rightsizing | Aggressive Diagram Rightsizing - Aggressive Image
Rightsizing | Undersized Virtual Machine Details Select an Undersized VM to View Recommendations List
Rightsizing | Oversized Virtual Machine Details Select an Oversized VM to View Recommendations List
Rightsizing | VM Oversized and Undersized Status Search for a VM to View Recommendations List
Rightsizing | Guest Memory Not Collecting Warning Additional Information Text
Rightsizing | Recommended Size - CPU Compare CPU Recommended Size to Historical Utilization Trend
Rightsizing | Recommended Size - Memory Compare Memory Recommended Size to Historical Utilization Trend
Rightsizing | Recommended Size - Disk Space Compare Disk Space Recommended Size to Historical Utilization Trend
Rightsizing | CPU Demand (95th Percentile) CPU Demand MHz (95th Percentile) List
Rightsizing | CPU Workload (95th Percentile) CPU Workload % (95th Percentile) List
Rightsizing | Memory Utilization (95th Percentile) Memory Utilization GB (95th Percentile) List
Rightsizing | Memory Workload (95th Percentile) Memory Workload % (95th Percentile) List
Rightsizing | Guest Virtual Disks Virtual Disks List
Rightsizing | Guest Virtual Disks Guest Filesystems List
Rightsizing | CPU Queue Trend with Total Capacity Compare CPU Queue to Total Capacity Trend
Rightsizing | CPU Context Switch Rate per Second with Total Capacity Compare Context Switch Rate to Total Capacity Trend
Rightsizing | Guest Memory Paging Check for Guest Memory Paging Trend

Super Metrics

Object Type Super Metric Name
CPU Queue Total Capacity Virtual Machine
Context Swap Rate Total Capacity Virtual Machine
Rightsize - Memory to Add to Undersized VMs Cluster Compute Resource
Rightsize - Memory to Add to Undersized VMs Custom Datacenter
Rightsize - Memory to Add to Undersized VMs Datacenter
Rightsize - Memory to Add to Undersized VMs vSphere World
Rightsize - Memory to Remove from Oversized VMs Cluster Compute Resource
Rightsize - Memory to Remove from Oversized VMs Custom Datacenter
Rightsize - Memory to Remove from Oversized VMs Datacenter
Rightsize - Memory to Remove from Oversized VMs vSphere World
Rightsize - Potential Cost Increase Virtual Machine
Rightsize - Potential Cost Increase Total Cluster Compute Resource
Rightsize - Potential Cost Increase Total Custom Datacenter
Rightsize - Potential Cost Increase Total Datacenter
Rightsize - Potential Cost Increase Total vSphere World
Rightsize - Potential Cost Savings Virtual Machine
Rightsize - Potential Cost Savings Total Cluster Compute Resource
Rightsize - Potential Cost Savings Total Custom Datacenter
Rightsize - Potential Cost Savings Total Datacenter
Rightsize - Potential Cost Savings Total vSphere World
Rightsize - Potential CPU Usage Increase (GHz) Virtual Machine
Rightsize - Potential CPU Usage Reclaimable (GHz) Virtual Machine
Rightsize - Potential Memory Consumed Increase (GB) Virtual Machine
Rightsize - Potential Memory Consumed Reclaimable (GB) Virtual Machine
Rightsize - vCPUs to Add to Undersized VMs Cluster Compute Resource
Rightsize - vCPUs to Add to Undersized VMs Custom Datacenter
Rightsize - vCPUs to Add to Undersized VMs Datacenter
Rightsize - vCPUs to Add to Undersized VMs vSphere World
Rightsize - vCPUs to Remove from Oversized VMs Cluster Compute Resource
Rightsize - vCPUs to Remove from Oversized VMs Custom Datacenter
Rightsize - vCPUs to Remove from Oversized VMs Datacenter
Rightsize - vCPUs to Remove from Oversized VMs vSphere World


This dashboard requires vRealize Operation 8.2 Advanced or Enterprise edition or vRealize Operations Cloud.

A version compatible with vRealize Operations 8.0 and 8.1 is available here.

Please open an issue for feedback.



  • Initial release


  • Update readme


  • Fixed URLs in readme
  • Added summary rollup metrics for cluster, datacenter, custom datacenter, and vSphere World
  • Added CPU Queue view
  • Added Context Switch Rate view
  • Added Guest Memory Paging view
  • Added 90th Percentile views
  • Added VM Properties widgets


  • Update readme
  • Removed Rightsize - Memory to Remove from Oversized VMs and Rightsize - vCPUs to Remove from Oversized VMs super metrics for Virtual Machine objects


  • Updated for vRealize Operations 8.2
  • Improved text formatting for both light and dark modes
  • Added warning for VMs with guest memory metrics not collecting
  • Added VM age
  • Added disk space recommendations, list of virtual disks, and list of guest file systems
  • Improved percentile format covering CPU demand, CPU workload, memory utilizaiton, and memory workload
  • A version compatible with vRealize Operations 8.0 and 8.1 was moved here.


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1 Files
zip file   1.02 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Apr 09, 2024

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Apr 08, 2020 01:16 PM

Receiving error on view import - "Views import failed" - no other details.
vRops Advanced - Version

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