If you want to know exactly the power status of your virtual machines, the uptime time, if one (or more) VM's were powered off and the geo-localization of that particular VM, this dashboard is for you.
1) vRops 7.0 and Log Insight (tested with 4.7)
2) Integration between Log Insight and vRops configured ( https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/6.7/com.vmware.vcom.core.doc/GUID-33DAA688-CED8-4D24-8359-1FC1CEDD1191.html)
3) Import the Log Insight Content Pack (https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Log-Insight/4.7/com.vmware.log-insight.user.doc/GUID-ABA784C6-65B3-4704-8313-2B431BD59B7F.html)
4) Configure your Widget GEO accordingly your physical Datacenter Location (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mUsfaQrTvA ) a special thank you Virtualization24x7 youtube channel.
5) Import these two SuperMetrics (for uptime information in hours and days) special thanks to Brock Peterson from BlueMedora. Do not forget to enable these supermetrics in your active policy (https://www.vmspot.com/enabling-super-metrics-in-vrops/) a special thank you for Matt from (VMspot.com).
6) Import the Dashboard
7) After import the Dashboard, you will need to change the URL of your Log Insight instance inside the Text Widget:
All files that you need are inside the Zip file attached (including the Dashboard, supermetrics, and Log Insight Content Pack) as you can see the explanation below:
Dashboard-2019-01-02 02-17-44 PM.zip - vRops Dashboard File - Import as is
Total VM's Powered Off v1.0.vlcp - Log Insight Content Pack - Import as is
uptime_in_days_supermetric.json - Supermetric file - Import as is
uptime_in_hours_supermetric.json - Supermetric file - Import as is