One-click and you can track all your VMs which in your folders in vCenter and you can see the below information:
Regarding Folders:
1- Total Alert Count per folder.
2- Total Count Critical per folder.
Regarding VMs:
1- VM Name.
2- OS IP.
3- Total CPU Capacity.
4- CPU Usage(GHz).
5- CPU usage(%).
6- CPU Recommended Size.
7- Memory total Capacity.
8- Memory utilization(GB).
10- Memory Usage (%).
11- Memory Recommended Size.
and also you can see more information about disk space.
You can track your VMs even over the last 2 weeks by three dashboards showing information as chart and by this chart you can know when your VM was down or high utilization also you can take the decision to reduce VM resource if VM showing low utilization for a long time.