This dashboard will show you full visibility to the below Info: 1- Hosts basic Information like (Esxi name, Management IP, Parent Cluster, DNS server IP). 2- Hosts availability (Uptime per day, Uptime Chart for current month, HA active or not). 3- Hosts resource (CPU Total capacity, CPU Usage%, Usable Memory, Memory Usage%).\\r\\n 4- Hosts CPU Utilization chart for current month. 5- Hosts Memory Utilization chart for current month. 6- Cluster information (total number of hosts, number of running VMs, CPU failover resource%, Memory failover resource%). 7- Top-5 Cluster CPU Workload%.\\r\\n 8- Top-5 Clusters Memory Usage%. 9- All ESXI active alert. Note: You have to import View and then dashboard to vROps.#vRealizeOpsDashboard#vSphereClusterServices#hostuptime#vRealizeOperationsManager#Utilization#Availability#vrealize#vRealizeOperationsManager#vrealizeoperation#Apache2.0#vRealizeOperations#HostOperations##vRealizeOps