Authored by Riaz Mohamed and Raghu Pemmaraju
In this document, we focus on how to leverage the micro-segmentation feature within NSX-T to provide workload isolation. NSX-T comes with a distributed firewall that can provide complete control of both North-South Traffic but also East-West Traffic and can isolate workloads, even if they are next to each other. For example, traditional firewalls only isolate network traffic between network VLANs or segments but not within a network segment. But with NSX-T distributed firewall, you can create rules to isolate workload on the same segment and with Kubernetes tags, you can isolate even Kubernetes pod-to-pod communication.
In this document, we take a simple application that has several components or services. These services are required to communicate with each other in a very defined manner. For example, service-a needs to communicate with service-c and service-b but not with any other service. Similarly, service-c needs to communicate with service-d but not with service-a or service-b.
In such a scenario, we look at how to isolate the workload using NSX-T, and also show how this is done dynamically as pods are created and destroyed.
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